• Sequentialsilence@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    They could have run the actual orange fruit and I would have voted for that over the orange cry baby.

    We need more than 2 parties. fml.

    • NONE@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Believe me, even with more parties, politicians would manage to monopolize the attention of voters by assimilating smaller parties into “coalitions”. Take for example my country Venezuela, there are supposed to be about 30 parties, but half of them were consumed by the PSUV (the ruling party) and the other half are barely creating an opposition coalition, bringing us closer to bipartisanship.

      • aleph@lemm.ee
        1 month ago

        30 is way too many. Ideally, you want about 4-5 parties in order to maintain a healthy democracy without getting bogged down.

        Either way, the two party duopoly of the US ain’t it.

  • kitnaht@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    No way in fuckall would I ever vote Republican. Initially I was against the switchup, because I was concerned that - through legal means - they would block her becoming the DNC candidate but I’m cautiously optimistic right now.

  • grue@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    My probability of voting for Harris has changed from 100% to 100%, but I’m more excited about it because she picked the guy Bernie endorsed.

  • ElectricAirship@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    1 month ago

    I’m on the fence between Harris or to abstain. My opinion is that the Democrats are not listening to the people, and by holding hands with the international criminals in Israel, they are alienating progressives massively (no doubt her VP pick is an attempt to win them over). 76 years of pro-Israel policy, and what has it done?

    When it comes to economy, Harris is a neoliberal, and rather conservative economically, which I disagree with.

  • cabron_offsets@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Bruh, I think you’ll find that most of us were gonna vote for the D, no matter what. For the record, I like this choice of veep and Harris has won me over. I immediately felt dejected after the debate and wished that Biden would go away. I wasn’t enthused about Harris, but I figured we have no choice but to risk it. Biden did us right in the end. And Harris has been impressive in her consolidation of support and her organization.

    • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
      1 month ago

      Yeah I was a constant Biden promoter and moderately opposed to replacing him just because I thought that, as big a problem as his age was, the prospect of the Democrats figuring out a plan B without cocking it up was remote enough that it might be better to keep him on.

      Having seen the way it happened (so far) I’ve never been so happy to be wrong.

  • MrVilliam@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Unchanged. Still gonna vote for her. I’m more enthusiastic now that she picked Walz over some of the other finalists though. I’ll probably buy some campaign stickers now in addition to voting.

    Thank you for ending your 2024 campaign, Joe Biden. That was hero shit. That humility and duty to something bigger than himself is exactly what made him so much better as a leader than trump ever could’ve been. Joe has earned his retirement, and there’s a part of me that hopes that he becomes the first former president to die of badass causes, flipping his Vette doing a buck eighty or something lol. But not for another couple decades.

  • southsamurai@sh.itjust.works
    1 month ago

    Man, I’m so sick of voting for people that I consider the lesser problem just because they aren’t actually evil. I’d rather have him as the presidential candidate because he’s closer to my preferences, and has a history that’s more aligned with his current stances.

    But it’s whatever, the money tied into the two party system combined with the alternative parties never fielding anyone worth a damn for me to vote for means I’m stuck voting democrat again.

    I’m not one to abstain because that’s just pointless to me. If I’m going to put up with all the fucking campaign crap, all the people running their damn mouths about it, I’m at least going to get my voice counted. If I could hermit away from the bullshit, go totally off grid and never have to see another human I didn’t want to, I’d abstain. But I can’t. So yet again, the fptp system is shit that I have to wade in.

    But, yeah, him being VP makes the shit sandwich we’re being served by the two party system a teeny, tiny bit less nasty to swallow. He at least has a history of trying to do what he says he intends to, and his efforts as governor align with the social issues the same way as mine for the most part.

    • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
      1 month ago

      This is like the fireman saying “But it’s whatever, these assholes with their cigarettes and fireworks combined with shoddy building materials and false alarms mean I’m stuck responding to the fire again. I’m not one to not respond at all, because that’s just pointless to me.”

      I could bring up a half a trillion dollars on climate change, reduced income inequality, gains in wages for working people even outpacing pretty historic inflation in 2022, etc etc fa la la, reasons why the Biden/Harris ticket was actually substantially better than most of the horseshit that is the modern Democrats, but “oh great I guess we gotta vote against fascism, it feels like this shit keeps happening” as a demoralizing thing as opposed to “holy shit the system is fucked how do we make some actual progress because we have to fucking live here” honestly just seems so childish and I feel like people are aware of the difference between the options and the gravity involved here

      If getting up and voting is all that offensive to you, I can’t imagine how you would react to the level of effort and risk it will take to actually make the system good, and fix the 2-party system problems you’re talking about. It involves a hell of a lot more than showing up one particular day and being willing to pick “not the end of the world” instead of “yes end of world.”

      • southsamurai@sh.itjust.works
        1 month ago

        The fuck are you on about? I’m not a fucking fireman, I’m a citizen that’s spent over thirty years dealing with this shitshow that is American politics.

        I’m struggling not to just call you an asshole because you know nothing about the kind of actions I’ve taken in those thirty years, organizing, protesting, literally getting my ass beat in gay rights rallies.

        So, yeah, I’m fucking exhausted watching a lifetime of civil rights being attacked and democrats fumbling the fucking ball every damn time things get hard. And that’s ignoring that I don’t even agree with the half of the democrat platform because they’re capitalist stooges perfectly willing to bend over for oligarchs come donation time.

        Man, fuck you and your smug shit. Level of effort and risk, my hairy ass. You take a fucking boot the the spine covering up some kid at a rally and come talk to me about effort and risk.

        • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
          1 month ago

          Yeah. I’ve been at rallies and protests (antiwar for me). I haven’t done as much as I should have; I’m feeling pretty guilty about that now. Friends and family of mine have done more than I have, inside and outside of the political system.

          I’ve also been friends with people who’ve tangled with the US system of immigration, whose heads might be on the block if Trump wins. That’s why I am strongly opposed to your “the shit sandwich we’re being served by the two party system” “don’t even agree with the half of the democrat platform because they’re capitalist stooges perfectly willing to bend over for oligarchs” stuff. One, it isn’t true, in this election (although in general I’ll agree about the Democrats). Biden was the first Democrat in decades who actually seemed to make some inclinations in favor of the American underclass. Two, the alternative right now is horrifyingly dangerous. That’s why I use the fireman analogy – like whether the building is clean or dirty or we need to bring it up to code is simply not relevant when it’s going to burn down with your and my family inside.

          If you were spending this much energy on saying “holy shit we gotta fix the system now more than ever”, then sure, I’d be right there with you. You can let me know the protest and we can go and get our asses kicked together. If your energy is “ew ugh Democrats I hate this both parties amirite,” then please excuse me if I explain in my own smug shit fashion why that is 1,000% objectively wrong as applied to this election. I am saying that because I do care about the very same vulnerable people you are trying to mobilize to make the point, somehow, in the opposite direction.

      • Feyd@programming.dev
        1 month ago

        What is wrong with you? People being dissatisfied with politics is the very first step required to actually change anything. Yes, the current administration has done some good things, but none of it is nearly enough, and we should still be plenty mad about all of it.

        Specific side note: you say reduce income inequality, but regular people are way worse off financially than their parents were and that’s not going away without some real change and we haven’t actually seen anything moving in that direction

        • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
          1 month ago

          People being dissatisfied with politics is the very first step required to actually change anything.

          I don’t think there is a shortage of dissatisfaction with politics in this country. There might be some imaginary country where if everyone would just get disaffected and cynical enough, the problems would get dealt with, but I think most of America’s problem at this point is in the action piece.

          Yes, the current administration has done some good things, but none of it is nearly enough, and we should still be plenty mad about all of it.

          Plenty mad at the ones who are responsible, and invested in solutions that will move it in the right direction, yes. The reason I disagreed with the original poster is not that I don’t want to fix things, it is that their proposed solution is mostly disaffectation instead of anything that will be that solution.

          Specific side note: you say reduce income inequality, but regular people are way worse off financially than their parents were and that’s not going away without some real change and we haven’t actually seen anything moving in that direction

          Low-income wages went up 32% since 2019, as a result of a stronger NLRB backstopping a bunch of union gains and the results of spending a trillion dollars of increased corporate taxes on domestic manufacturing. Covid inflation ate up most but not all of that boost; if Biden hadn’t been handed an unfolding apocalypse with a lot of people still dependent on Covid assistance to live, I think it would have been a much more dramatic change, but it’s definitely not nothing. He also spent about 10 times what anyone else has spent on climate change, putting us on track for a 40% reduction in emissions by 2030.

          Is any of that enough? Fuck no. But it’s also definitely not “haven’t actually seen anything.” You may not have seen anything, because I think a lot of Lemmy posters are employed in tech, and that sector has still been a shit show where people aren’t keeping up with inflation. But the working class is actually doing substantially better than they were even before Covid, even under historic inflation. That’s pretty fuckin unusual. And shitting on it (saying those working-class people don’t represent “regular people”), or saying that because we haven’t undone multiple generations of fuckery in the space of a couple of years, it doesn’t count, is not something I agree with.

          • Feyd@programming.dev
            1 month ago

            Low-income wages went up 32% since 2019, as a result of a stronger NLRB backstopping a bunch of union gains and the results of spending a trillion dollars of increased corporate taxes on domestic manufacturing. Covid inflation ate up most but not all of that boost;

            So people are still as poor as ever? Sorry but I’m not going to throw a party for the bare minimum 🙄. I’m going to keep complaining and so should everyone else.

            • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
              1 month ago

              No, working-class people are 12% richer (inflation adjusted) than they used to be, and that’s a pretty fuckin significant number given the obstacles of Covid and Republicans that were standing in the way. The numbers are, 32% gains, 20% inflation, equals 12% gain inflation adjusted.

              “Keep complaining” in the sense of advocating for better, finding more people who will help you get those outcomes and trying to work out how to get them in charge, sounds great. “Keep complaining” in the sense of blaming the people who are fighting for you for not doing a better job, and implying that them trying to give you trillions of dollars and partially succeeding is basically the same as the people who want to end democracy (and also steal back that money and more), is stupid. In my opinion.

              • Feyd@programming.dev
                1 month ago

                The person you were replying to originally said they were voting dem because they felt like they had to but that they weren’t excited to. That is a very reasonable stance being that we are living in the fucking gilded age. Maybe the poorest people are slightly better off but the richest people are still hoarding even more money/ control/ influence and the people you’re wanting to worship as saviors haven’t even remotely addressed it.

                Where are we talking about addressing the ridiculous health care system that is entirely designed to extract money for rich people instead of prioritize outcomes. Where are we taking about addressing the increasingly expensive education system? (Forgiving student loans is a band aid that while helpful in the here and now does nothing to fix the real problems). I could go on and on. This is a country optimized for rich people and you are expecting people to celebrate crumbs from the table.

                You really need to get off your high horse and understand that people really need to be given real reasons to feel optimistic about the future instead of saying “here are some numbers” while people can’t afford their rent and groceries.

  • DirkMcCallahan@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I was already going to crawl over cut glass to vote for her/against Drumph. Walz doesn’t change anything for me, but if Internet comments are to be believed, picking him does make me slightly more optimistic about our chances come November.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    I didn’t even vote for Harris a first time, so I’m sure this person, even despite people complaining she can’t read the room, doesn’t need my help becoming president.

    Aside from voting for third parties, who do need my help, I’m so done with even the concept of voting.

    • zelifcam@sh.itjust.works
      1 month ago

      I’m so done with even the concept of voting.

      Kewl kewl. Feel free to move to North Korea or China. You’ll never get a say in anything again!

        • hitstun@fedia.io
          1 month ago

          The fascists want to convince you that your vote doesn’t matter. Defy the fascists and vote. Besides, the state and local races make more of a difference anyway, so at least show up for those.

          • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.ee
            1 month ago

            I definitely do those. Not sure how much of an impact that has, but when you have such deception as which takes place on the next level, like with the various media scandals on both sides, it’s a negative omen. In my mind at least, it’s like all those people who lied about their life situation to gain community contributions, times ten. But some people divide it for some reason.

            If I’m not mistaken, it was Obama/Clinton/Sanders in 2016 who infamously dissed the concept of third party voting (are they any of the fascists we speak of?)

            • zelifcam@sh.itjust.works
              1 month ago

              I definitely do those. Not sure how much of an impact that has

              Well it’s pretty clear when one day your library has enough funding for after school activities with the kids.

              So how’s Russia these days? They paying you well?

  • 0x01@lemmy.ml
    1 month ago

    Harris has me profoundly optimistic. She’s the most qualified candidate I’ll have had the chance to vote for in my lifetime.

    Walz is fine, I was keen on Buttigieg but I’ll happily vote for Walz and let Buttigieg keep his important current position.

    My biggest hope is that Kamala will draw out some of the less extreme right leaning women, nobody needs to know that they’re voting for the better candidate and God knows women need allies with the ongoing barrage.

    This election cycle is not about fear for me, Harris is an easy candidate to vote for!

      • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
        1 month ago

        Why would you ask the question if someone who’s going to be enthusiastic about their answer is going to be confusing to you

        IDK if you’ve noticed but a lot of people are excited about Harris, although maybe that’s just happiness because it’s not the guy who might have a sundown moment on stage or something

  • dylanmorgan@slrpnk.net
    1 month ago

    I was cautiously optimistic about Harris before, now I’m regular optimistic. Walz seems like a good dude who will appeal to working class voters, having been a schoolteacher and a union member, and able to be folksy with a genuine-ness that DJT and JD couchfucker couldn’t muster in a dozen lifetimes.

        • Diva (she/her)@lemmy.ml
          1 month ago

          I’ve been getting told I’m going to grow out of being a communist for over 2 decades now. Any day now I guess

          • MagicShel@programming.dev
            1 month ago

            You don’t have to stop, but you’re also politically irrelevant. I’d get tired of that myself. I did. That’s why I stopped throwing my vote away on third party. But you do you. I really don’t care since you’re a non-participant.

            • Diva (she/her)@lemmy.ml
              1 month ago

              I’m already politically irrelevant, how is changing my vote going to make it suddenly matter in a non-swing state

              • MagicShel@programming.dev
                1 month ago

                Look, where you can actually achieve things is in the Democratic primaries. Find the furthest left person you can and try to make them the candidate. Move the party left. Get your brand of politician onto the ballot on one of the teams that can win. Replicate that across the country and I guess the Democrats become communists, though I can’t imagine things flipping that far. You still have to deal with swing states that will be much harder to get communist candidates elected even in a major party.

                That’s the only realistic way to accomplish your goal without either waiting for one party to commit suicide or futilely taking up arms to try to replace the whole system of government.

                That’s not even my political persuasion, but look I’ll be long dead before that ever happens so more power to you. We’ve swung way too far right and I’ll work with anyone to swing it back the other way.

                • Diva (she/her)@lemmy.ml
                  1 month ago

                  I have plenty of critiques of PSL running primarily national election campaigns, the whole national level election just seems like a resource sink. I guess if they get to a certain percent they get federal money for it.

                  The problem is a lot of local politics are already very much on lockdown by realtor/home construction/lawyer types. They will often get unquestionably voted in by homeowners, simply by evoking the fear of housing prices going down, or taxes going up. Homeowners are often vastly over-represented in terms of voter participation, due to structural disenfranchisement of poor people.

                  Most people who you could organize in a given municipality who aren’t homeowners will be under constant economic pressure to follow work or new housing, leading to a lot of churn - and often leading to people just getting unenrolled because they didn’t update their address when they changed landlords.

                  (Honestly this is why I prefer to just work on non-election stuff with my time)

          • jmp242@sopuli.xyz
            1 month ago

            I mean people also say you’ll grow up from being a liberal so lol. I presume it has a lot to do with why you have a particular political position and if you’ve actually thought it out at all.

        • CO5MO ✨@midwest.social
          1 month ago

          Yes, they are really cliquey & tbh it’s kinda sad. So much for tryna foster community or engage with other communities to learn something new.

        • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
          1 month ago

          lemmy.ml in particular is quite bad. lemmy.world is a little less bad but still has some annoyances. Most of the other ones are fine.

          Of course you can participate in communities anywhere from any server; about the only thing that will impact you is reputational impacts and maybe the occasional instance block or admin fuckery. I have heard rumors of admin fuckery on lemmy.ml (moderation actions and then editing the modlog to make it look like it didn’t happen), but IDK whether that is accurate.

        • Diva (she/her)@lemmy.ml
          1 month ago

          It’s mostly people who are used to leftists getting banned off their corporate-owned media sites being shocked at an alternative opinion

          • ganksy@lemmy.world
            1 month ago

            Well none of the people here are from corporate -owned sites since we’re all on Lemmy. Your world view aligns perfectly with authoritarian-right. That’s why you get so much pushback.

                • Diva (she/her)@lemmy.ml
                  1 month ago

                  I’m really not a fan and it’s embarrassing every time Russia does some cringe culture war shit. America won the cold war so it’s what we’re stuck with, sadly

      • MerchantsOfMisery@lemmy.ml
        1 month ago

        You think people use downvoting to change a person’s mind? I always felt it was mostly to express disapproval or disagreement.

        In this case, I think it’s shallow/selfish thinking that leads people to not vote or throw their vote away with a third party vote just so they can smugly say "don’t blame me, I didn’t vote for Harris/Trump 😏" like it’s the most clever thing ever.

        As a POC, I can’t help but shake at folks like this because it’s like they’d rather play these little games when shit gets real rather than ya know, getting real.

        • Diva (she/her)@lemmy.ml
          1 month ago

          I think it’s shallow/selfish thinking that leads people to not vote or throw their vote away with a third party vote just so they can smugly say "don’t blame me, I didn’t vote for Harris/Trump 😏

          You’re welcome to think that, How can I throw a vote away that has literally no impact on the presidential election? I’m not in a swing state and I still vote downballot- what’s even more annoying is it’s so non-competitive many of the state level democrats are just low-key republicans running as democrats. The result is yet another non-choice of an election.

      • MagicShel@programming.dev
        1 month ago

        I only downvote when something is too stupid and pointless to comment on. I don’t do it very often, but here we are.

    • Drunemeton@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      I read somewhere that Biden beat Trump by 40K votes. In a country of over 300 MILLION people that’s a razor thin margin.

      Your vote counts!

      I also read this sobering fact recently: People in Germany that didn’t think they had to vote in 1932, didn’t get another chance to vote until 1946.

    • Don_Dickle@lemmy.worldOP
      1 month ago

      Same here unfortunately. Since in the state where I am from does all electronic and I can’t do a write in ballet…otherwise it would be my dog Buddy for president.

      • zelifcam@sh.itjust.works
        1 month ago

        Oh, so you’re in the “I’m part of the problem” camp. What kind of mental gymnastics do you manage to pull off to rationalize this?

        Are you young? Because progress is progress and you should never waste it. It may take a generation to gain an inch, but one bad year to go back a foot. I will never understand people who are willing to throw it all away because feelings.

      • lemmefixdat4u@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        When you shop for a place to live, do you buy/rent nothing because nothing is “perfect”? Or do you weigh the benefits and detriments of each available option and choose the best one?

        There’s a clear choice, and if you need to see what voter apathy gets you, look at Venezuela. We got a second chance because the Jan 6 attempt failed. If you don’t vote, the usurper might win.

        • Don_Dickle@lemmy.worldOP
          1 month ago

          I would rather buy if i settled down or retired. I never weigh the benefits because I am always renting…well at least for the past 15 years. In my circumstance it is the best option. I currently can’t vote because I am not currently in my home state. I would vote harris but can’t vote because the rest of the year is filled with contracts for me to travel.

            • Don_Dickle@lemmy.worldOP
              1 month ago

              And you can write in whomever? How do I get one? Not in the Navy but would just like to see my dog on the ballot lol.

              • Rivalarrival@lemmy.today
                1 month ago

                Absentee ballots work just like in-person ballots. You just mail them in instead of dropping them in the box at the polling place.

                What state are you in? It’s not hard to request an absentee ballot.

              • jmp242@sopuli.xyz
                1 month ago

                I find it fascinating that you have no preference between the candidates. Do you really think it won’t matter which wins?

                I hoped so in 2016,but then we saw what happened after that.

      • Last@reddthat.com
        1 month ago

        Hey, I get that writing in your dog might seem funny, but this election is way too important for that. If people don’t take voting seriously, it increases the chances of someone like Trump winning again in 2024. And with things like Project 2025 on the horizon, which aims to reshape the government in ways that could really hurt a lot of people, every vote really does count. We need to stick together and vote wisely if we want to avoid some serious consequences.

        • Don_Dickle@lemmy.worldOP
          1 month ago

          all right all right lemmys I will vote…but I want dog treats sent from all of you MF’ers that say I should not do a write in. So I can feed them to Buddy. Hell I will have to take down the sign that says Buddy for 2024

  • Diplomjodler@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I won’t vote in the US election but I think Walz is quite a solid candidate. If I was a US citizen, I’d vote Democrat but the VP pick wouldn’t really make a difference there.

    • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
      1 month ago

      I’m just happy they didn’t double down and pick the IDF guy.

      I feel like the Democratic party is, slowly and gradually as is its nature, learning its fucking lesson. If they went far enough to actually stop supporting genocide, that might be nice.