Just your average urban druid interested in technology and quantum field theory.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I met a guy online, and we arranged to meet up for our 1st date. It went well, and during it we exchanged birthdates. Mine was the next week, so he said he’s take me out for my birthday!

    The day arrives, we meet up at the same place, and after my inquiry he says we’re to a New Mexican restaurant for dinner, then to a Country & Western bar a few blocks away for some dancing. Well All RIGHT! (I did tell him I didn’t know how/hadn’t been before, but was willing to give it a go.)

    At the end of dinner he asks the waiter for separate checks. I look puzzled, and he asks why. “Well, it’s a little unusual to be taken out for your birthday and have to split the check…”

    “Oh, I forgot it’s your birthday. I don’t have enough money to cover this.” So I end up paying for my meal.

    Tip: If this happens to you end that date immediately! I don’t, so we continue the date and go dancing.

    Turns out he doesn’t like line dancing, and doesn’t lead, so he won’t line dance with me trying to learn to line dance. We have one regular dance together, which he ends mid-song, because I’m not leading right.

    For the rest of the ‘date’ I get to sit there, buying my own drinks, watching him dance with others, and having drinks bought for him by those others.

    I went home alone after a few miserable hours…

  • Was at the San Francisco Public Library with da hubs, checking out DVDs/CDs, and on our way out saw a flyer for IIRC “Celluloid San Francisco” a presentation by the author of a new book about movies made here.

    We figured “Why Not?” Walked in and was entertained for about an hour by a very personable speaker and tons of SF film facts!

    Then they unexpectedly ushered the lot of us across the hall to a catered buffet lunch, meet and greet, and book signing (none of which was mentioned on the flyer).

    We also went in slightly less higher than god…

    So we proceeded to stuff our faces from a delicious buffet, chat up the author and thank him for an amazing presentation, and then left around 2:30 not having paid a penny for anything.