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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Going all in vs apple.

    At the time it was all going on, it seemed insane to basically be baiting one of the biggest companies in the world. And it was, except that then beeper got sold, and the guy running it got a cushy new job out of it.

    In my mind, either that was the plan from the start, to go big and make a splash to make beeper valuable enough to sell, or the guy running it went all in way too soon, with no good plan for the inevitable crackdown. I err on the side of someone making an error of judgement rather than intentionally screwing up what they built, and they blew their wad.

  • Last time the subject of sodium batteries came up, someone mentioned that the application for them makes that less important that it otherwise would be. Again, this is second hand, so take it with a grain of salt, but for the kind of mass storage they’re intended for, they can be less capable than lithium batteries and still be a better choice, if they’re designed right.

    I normally don’t like horning in with second hand crap, and I can’t find the post, but it made sense the way it was explained. The sodium batteries would be used for storage from solar or other power generation, and that allows for less efficiency being needed since it will scale better in terms of being able to have enough of them on demand compared to lithium batteries.

    Again, please anyone reading this, don’t take it as a truth, it’s just a casual, unverified statement of what someone else said, done for the sake of conversation.

  • I mean, not really.

    Which standard are they going to be forced to use? What infrastructure? What encryption? Are they going to be forced to develop apps for every platform?

    The best you can hope to expect is apps using the same standard being compatible. Xmpp, matrix, whisper, whatever. Even matrix bridges don’t really fix compatibility across standards very well.

    It’s nice to think that anyone anywhere, could expect to install any app and communicate with anyone else and maintain encryption as well as full privacy. But as far as anyone I’ve ever seen talk about it that’s actually trained in the technology behind it all, it isn’t possible unless there’s a single, enforced standard in use.

    Does it suck to have to deal with multiple apps? Hell yes. But I also don’t like the idea of being forced to use whatever compromise protocol would make it realistic. I’d rather have a dozen apps with no single gatekeeper between them.

  • Because that worked so well before.

    I don’t hate Hillary at all. Would have been acceptable as the least bad option since I can’t ever have a candidate that’s firmly in the breadth of my wishes. Even Obama, who was the first president in my adult life I voted for, didn’t really match my beliefs and wishes for the country, but I thought he would make more waves than he did, even on the second term.

    But damn, Hillary? She’s creeping up in age herself. That’s like saying Bernie should get the nod. If the point is to have someone with the energy that Biden doesn’t have, Hillary is a joke of a choice. And, again, while she doesn’t represent me as a voter, I respect her efforts within her belief system. But they’d be crazy to try it

  • World is pretty hit or miss like that, unfortunately.

    But it comes down to individual mods. There’s some C/s that have mods listed that aren’t active, and haven’t gotten weeded out yet. And you have some real assholes there as mods and users, which is to be expected from the larger instances (the one I’m in as well, shithustworks has some major jerks here and there)

    Iirc, both mods and admins have access to reports, but most instances of any size, the admins really don’t have the time to handle them.

  • Oh damn, can of worms opened!

    My pockets carry is wallet, keys, two knives, emergency meds, bandana, and edc kit.

    Keychain has two mini tools on it, one a knife pick (I can explain later if anyone cares) and a key tool from from niteize.

    Edc kit is in a generic edc pouch. Lighter, mini multi tool, workkos aaa flashlight, mini pry bar that was a gift (never would have bought one), and a little whistle that has a storage tube with a sewing kit in it, plus a smaller knife than the two I keep clipped to my pocket.

    Yes, that’s three knives, wanna fight about it? ;) hell, it’s four if you count the useless blade on the mini multi tool.

    I also carry a smaller flashlight around my neck on a bead chain. It is incredibly useful, and I highly recommend this form of carry. Mine is an olight keychain light, the i3eeos. Single aaa battery, decent output and battery life. But it hangs just right to illuminate things where I would otherwise have to hold a light in my mouth, or have a headlamp. I use it multiple times a day sometimes, what with piddling around the chicken coop and whatnot.

    Seriously, it is the second most used item I carry. It would be the first, but my main knife gets used hard in the yard lol. It’s an old benchmade 710.

    Now, I also have two carry kits for other supplies. A shoulder bag and a backpack. That’s stuff that isn’t pocket carry possible, and/or would only be useful if I’m away from home and get stuck overnight, or in specific use cases that are annoying enough to merit the carry.

    The big bag has all the same stuff as the little, with extras.

    Little bag has a “device kit” with power bank, cables, etc. Pens, pencil, better multi tool, bigger flashlight (still hand sized, but there’s throws better light), bigger sewing kit, pill case with my regular meds for two days worth, and a mini 1st aid kit, plus whatever I decide to throw in.

    The backpack adds a poncho that can double as a blanket, a usb bank as well as power bank, a bigger knife, some basic emergency food ( granola bars usually, plus some water purification tablets), and has room for various devices, including a laptop and multiple tablets or phones. That’s what I have with me when going more than a half hour from home, always. The smaller bag is for in town carry.

    And don’t get me started on my car kits. Seriously, don’t ask, in not typing that much lol.

    EDC for me is bare minimum preparedness for an individual. Each “tier” of carry represents having what i need for a given span of time and minor issues that arise often enough to merit the weight.

  • That movie pisses me off so bad.

    The speech the president gives? Cheesy, an obvious attempt to pull at heart strings and manipulate the audience’s emotions.

    And it frakking works on me! I hate that! Like, I love the movie, I love the scene, I love the speech. But it pisses me off so much that they nailed the phrasing so perfectly, and the delivery is just right to ignore my cynicism and make my brain go all gung ho and want to clap.

    Bloody ridiculous!