I came to Lemmy cause Reddit went to shit, so I get that people want to bash it and I also understand that most of the users of Lemmy are from the US and the shit show that’s happening there right now, but I am absolutely tired of these 2 types of posts being the only thing in my feed, I open this app because I want to learn new interesting things, and maybe see some funny and creative stuff, there’s enough negativity and stress in my life and I don’t need more of that on my only social media app. How do I filter these topics from my feed and which communities can I join to improve my feed.
Those are the most popular posts. I recommend trying to find communities that you like and subscribing to them, then read the subscribed feed.
I recommend finding communities you don’t like and blocking those, then browse the all feed. Otherwise you get 3 posts a week.
I’m starting to see that most Canadians are more interested in american politics than in their own countries politics. When a gigantic behemoth is wounded, and about to fall, you get a lot of rubberneckers. Sadly, I include myself in this list.
If it’s falling towards you, it is indeed good to pay attention to that. Also, please accept my apologies that our bullshit is spilling over the line.
Have you tried filtering the home page? I’m very new to Lemmy so my advice may not be the best, but on the home page (I’m’ using lemmyusa), there is a “Location” option and I changed it from “All” to “Subscriptions”. This way I only get the sub communities I’ve subscribed to.
I have not found a way to hide a sub community (i.e. hide “politics” or something) from the main feed.
If someone with more experience with Lemmy can sherd some additional advice for focusing content I would appreciate it!
Try another planet which is not on fire, sorry for going all political on you!
They’ll surprise-pikachu when WWlll starts and they don’t know how we got there.
You joined the wrong instance bud
Sad youll never see this comment as world has be on the bad boy list
Because that’s what people are posting.
2 reasons:
Mods don’t seem to give a shit
Lemmy has the exact same issues as Reddit, minus the corporate bullshit. Users do the same stupid shit. People don’t magically become not fucking stupid and horrible because they move from Reddit to the Fediverse.
Yes, lemmy still concentrates power in the hands of instance owners and their moderation delegates. This structures all discourse and communitiesin a certain way, discourage experimentation, alternate topics and viewpoints but instead focuses attention toward, for each topic, “the one big community” and its contingent idiosyncrasies.
Only way around this is transparent multiserver communities and frictionless account and community server migration.
Without this the same structure of power will always replicate itself.
instead focuses attention toward, for each topic, “the one big community” and its contingent idiosyncrasies.
[email protected], [email protected] and [email protected] being all active in parallel seems to shows that the model is working
Are you talking about Lemmy.world, or Lemmy.ml? Either way, I’d say to look for an instance that more appeals to you.
Lemmy is a giant echo chamber, every time I browse for a bit I block a community/user or two. And don’t you dare have a differing political opinion to that of the hive mind.
It’s not really a good reddit replacement but if like me you don’t want to install the official reddit app lemmy can be some sort of nicotine patch if you take the time to block all the shit you don’t want to see
I’m mean there is no real downside to having and sharing an opinion outside the “hive mind”
“Karma” on Lemmy isn’t tracked. Having a negative score comment or post doesn’t affect your account or experience at all. I’ve posted plenty that has gotten downvoted into the negative and I haven’t even gotten a warning because Lemmy is an actual free speech platform unlike twitter or Reddit.
That doesn’t mean that everyone has to like your opinions though, hence the downvotes, but that’s ok.
Ironic considering Lemmy.world is Dutch I believe
Besides the server hosting location there appears to be very little Dutch about it.
But then again the Dutch politicians are known to kowtow America does. The Netherlands recently voted against the EU defense spending because they love NATO and the orange man so much.
Reddit was already mostly American politics, most of the people who came kept the same ratios. Personally I see more non American posts then ever on lemmy, it needs to grow. Post and spread it around
Do you mean to tell me you don’t also have a bunch of Linux memes?
Man, I’m with you! A lot of people are commenting that you should just curate your feed - man, that means unsubscribing from news and politics. I mean there are a lot of other countries news I’m interested in seeing. And I already have an app that lets me filter out content based on keywords and my feed is still filled with US content.
The amount of US content is just overwhelming and it’s freaking everywhere. I know I’m not alone in frankly having had enough of it.
Can’t people post this stuff into dedicated US communities?
I haven’t figured out how to get mine to where I was on reddit back in the day. I struggle with finding communities. I often find dead communities. I often can’t find communities I’ve come across in the past when using the search to specifically find them. Any tips on how to solve this labyrinth?
Feel free to remind people to post US questions to [email protected]
leave .world and block the entire instance and then you get stuff that isn’t related to the United States it’s really nice actually
be the change.