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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • You don’t mature all at once, but you also cannot place general expectation of responsibility at certain ages either, such as when it is acceptable to babysit or drive. That is entirely dependent on the individual kids’ upbringing.

    Kids at 15 are not mature enough to do anything. That should be anyone’s expectations of a child they don’t know.

    Heavy punishent will only put more kids in jail. It will not prevent kids from making irreversible mistakes, nor will it undo any of the damage. You just ruin one more life, because in the end, the people who most need to consider the consequences are the parents, and a lot of parents simply are not going to do this. So then what? Kids with shitty upbringings deserve no second chances? I believe they do.

  • Kids are kids until 18 because people mature at different rates. At 18 it is safe to assume most have matured enough. This kid could be 18 mentally, but he could also be 13 mentally.

    Why are you trying emotional manipulation in order to justify punishing this one kid as if he was an adult?

    Here, let me show you what you just did. Let me introduce you to Steve. His life was ruined because he made a deepfake of a girl he likes and sent it to his friend, but he shouldn’t have trusted that friend, because the deepfake then found itself on every phone in class. Steve got a 3 year sentence, forcing early dropout, and due to his permanent mark, he would forever be grouped with rapists and could never find a job. He killed himself at 21. And you claim it’s not that bad? The fuck is wrong with you?

  • Almost every statement in this article is a complete lie, from the targeted harrasments to the sexism allegations and racism. Even the Hades 2 statements are completely out of context to misrepresent the problem.

    Let’s go back to the beginning.

    Sweet baby Ink known to extort and threaten to push their agendas into videogames, (there is a video of the CEO Kim Belair explaining how she uses threats if game companies refuse to listen to her advice) was never targeted by harassment. A steam group was made that lists all games they’ve been involved with. (SBI already does the same on their own website). Never did anyone in this steam group go out of their way to harass anyone involved with the company. It is just a group of people who don’t like this company and want to avoid buying games that they are involved with.

    Then suddenly one of SBI employees started a harassment campaing against the steam group owner, and tried to get him banned from steam altogether despite no wrongdoing. He never retaliated, and instead just defended his own points.

    In comes the game journalist allyssa Merchante who has historically made bigoted statements such as “you can’t be racist against white people” and starts spreading lies of a harassment campaign against SBI. People call her out, and now suddenly she’s a victim of harassment despite she being the one contacting people’s workplaces to get them fired, or phonecalling their partners in an attempt to shame.

    The controversy around Hades 2 is not around square jaws, but rather, linked to the smear campaign gaming journalists have had against stellar blade, citing sexism. People were upset that gaming journalists were being hypocritical with titles like “Hades 2 Gods somehow hotter than Hades gods” while they also criticized Stellar Blade for its sexy main character claiming it appeals to white males and that it is problematic.

    Ubisoft being in bed with SBI is also not a lie, as SBI officially lists Ubisoft as their customers. The new assassins creed game is another example of these same journalists spreading misinformation.

    Being a retainer does not automatically make you a samurai, and playing African-American hiphop music when playing as an African is incredibly stereotypical and innacurate since Africans and African-Americans aren’t the same thing. Game journalists claim white people are just upset about there being a black character in the game (with no evidence). The game is disrespectful towards japanese, but to game journalists that doesn’t matter because they’re “white adjacent”.

    The controversy around Wukong is entirely fabricated. The developers of Wukong were being extorted by SBI for 7m USD for advice they didn’t ask for, and when they refused, suddenly gaming journalist started digging around, and found past statements they claim are sexists. However, as it turns out, these statements were in fact mistranslated statements, and the original Chinese statements weren’t even remotely sexist. Of course once people started pointing this out, once again “look at the harassment campaign against us journalists” started again.

    These articles always are quick to spin the narrative and paint journalists as innocent, but every.single.controversy. was retaliation against misinformation and harassment campaigns by game journalists and DEI companies. Never was it “a bunch of sexist and racist white people being upset about diversity in videogames”.

    But of course the author of this article wouldn’t tell you that she and many of her peers like, liked and retweeted all the false statements I’m bringing up here, or that she follows SBI.