Like sorry I’m a little person & my bf is not, but I’m 21 years old not a child. Could’ve came up to us & asked if they were so concerned.
I’m sorry you had to deal with that, people suck. ☹️ People with dwarfism are smaller (duh), but you don’t look like children! That person and the cop are dumber than a bowl of hammers. Or they’re just trying to bully someone… Try not to let worthless people like that get to you!
I’ve seen people with dwarfism that do look like they could be teenagers when they are already adults. I know it sucks for OP but I’d rather cops do this than let potential abuses slide. Doesn’t seem like OP was very inconvenienced by this tbh other than being uncomfortable with the situation which is understandable.
Fucking infuriating! This happened to my 4’11" bestie because her husband is 6’ 6". They have been called out in public so many times and had to provide they are 14 months apart in age. Funny when they were 15 and 17 but now It’s been happening for 20 years!
wait ur a midget?
This is like asking a Black person “are you a n-word?”
Isnt tiny just a synonym for small? Also an adjective, so wouldnt it be more like asking a poc “are you black?”
Tiny gets used like that? Damn, I’m behind.
Sounds false
Oh damn, didn’t know, I’ve seen it actually be used way more than the n-word.
Yeah, the terms to use are little person, dwarf, person with dwarfism.
What about midget?
Being fair, that might fly with you but I know of short statured people who get really upset at being labelled a dwarf.
Each person is individual, of course… Its hard to say something that won’t upset someone.
Yeah I was about to say, over here that’d be a serious insult to use. >.>
I know a guy who prefers midget. There is no universal safe term to use which is why i just dont label it (which can also be insulting in its own way.)
Wait, dwarf is fine? I would have thought dwarf would be more offensive then the other one.
Why are you mad at the cops and not the person who called them? That’s like getting mad at the firemen and not the arsonist.
Because this is lemmy where not only does one’s personal experience with a thing cast a blanket judgement of the entirety of that thing for all time, but now, because of that one persons anecdotal experience, ALL people’s opinions are entrenched it the same blanket judgement.
Do cops write laws, no. Crooked politicians write unjust laws. Cops know laws are unjust and enforce them anyway.
What do you do for a living?
I pimp out your mother, I thought you knew?
That’s literally their job. I do not want my politicians acting as cops, and I sure as hell don’t want cops acting as politicians.
Yeah — if you don’t like laws in a democracy, you have a solution — elect legislators that will create laws that you want. If they can’t get support for it, then you don’t have adequate support in society for rules that work the way you want.
The answer definitely isn’t a police force that acts as an independent arm of government that disregards the law and decides what laws it wants to enforce. You wind up in a situation like that and you definitely will have corruption…from that police force.
The fact that they took the job in the first place is morally dubious don’t you think?
Any sensible dispatcher will filter out calls by a crazy person. Any sensible officer responding to the report could easily tell that OP is a little person not in an emergency situation and decide not to bother them. The fact that neither of these things happened speaks volumes…
To be fair, it’s often difficult to judge a situation over the phone. Some crazy people sound like regular ones. And even more so in the opposite direction. Normal people might sound crazy in emergency situations. So there isn’t really a reliable way to tell them apart. And they then need to dispatch someone to find out.
Plus with good cops you’d rather have them one too many times then on too few.
Yeah exactly. I mean it takes some balance and they absolutely need to be sensitive. But it is like this in some professions. Once you put in the effort to put away your lunch, drive somewhere etc, you’re then going to engage. At least talk to people and try to assess the situation. Same for firefighters, paramedics and even some technicians. And it’s the right call in lots of inconspicuous situations. At some point the stop giving a f… and just bother people because the alternative is they’ll occasionally have to return to the same situation several hours later and it’ll usually have become worse in the meantime.
No, they most certainly will not. I don’t know who told you this, but even though a 911 dispatcher caught “filtering calls” may be immune from civil liability and negligence lawsuits, if pressed, they can lose their immunity if ifs discovered that they were grossly and/or willfully negligent.
In the least- they’re definitely getting fired.
I’m not but the police is still a rotten institution and I needed a pic to use.
Lol. Did the cops handle this well, at least? Did it take them time to judge your age, or did they just laugh and leave?
They asked for my ID, asked a couple of questions and that was it.
So… good cop? Sounds perfectly fine tbh, I mean what should they have done? Ignore the call?!
No such thing.
Cops don’t have a right to just show up and start demanding ID without probable cause that an actual crime has been committed. So… no, not good cop.
Uh, they don’t? Not an American, but sounds completely normal to me?
These people don’t get it. Change the story. “Concerned” citizen sees a black person and calls the cops. Cops come up and demand ID to ensure everything is okay.
It’s the same kind of situation. Clearly not acceptable and has long history of racism and bigotry.
It’s not okay with someone who happens to be short either.
Is the OP expected to hand over ID to validate after every damn concerned citizen?
This is also not getting into how the police often waste time on improper calls and don’t spend time on more important things. They selectively choose what to spend time on, and that’s often a problem.
We know it wasn’t in the US otherwise they would have felt threatened and shot you.
Sorry it happened to you.
Still an overstep IMO. Little people don’t look like kids, it’s super uncalled for.
Yeah but the cops can’t have known this when they get a call, no?
Yeah, but when they arrived. Like no need to check her Id if she looks old enough.
A Little Person on Lemmy! Woo! Go representation!
But also, does this happen to you often, as an LP with a regular boyfriend? Just curious.
120 cm
Thank you
Jesus fucking Christ, I guess i can understand middle class people thinking they like the police, but the fucking abelism in this thread is pretty insane. Didn’t expect that here.