I need to know if a person who doesn’t have ADHD also struggles with this. Every post that I see from any ADHD lemmy instance makes believe that I DO have ADHD :(
The best way to figure this out is to get tested.
If you can afford the diagnostic/have insurance to cover it I’d recommend going for it. I started the process by talking about my concerns with my pcp and getting a referral. Ideally you’d move in to therapy/ medication to manage it, but just knowing that you have adhd can help you to reframe your perspective on your past to be kinder to yourself and to develop healthier coping mechanisms
Same. I was also talking with some friends that have it and they also think I might. I already got a mess of other issues. I guess I’ll ask at my next psych appointment and see if I need to add that to the pile.
everyone has adhd
Incorrect, while the symptoms of ADHD aren’t unique to those who have it, it’s more about severity and frequency.
Do not diagnose yourself based solely on memes, but it can’t hurt to check if these relatable scenarios or feelings are nearly constant or negatively affect your life.
I have not been tested for ADHD but also have no reason to think I have it. I’m pretty sure anyone who is being distracted from the content of what they are reading has experienced what the OP is saying. I can’t imagine why anyone would think this is strictly an ADHD thing. My coworker on the other hand has ADHD and he can read/listen to audio books without being distracted in a situation where I would be. Maybe everyone is just different.
I was in the same boat where many adhd things resonated with me, been officially diagnosed since December now.
This is not a strictly ADHD thing. Many, many people have difficulty focusing when reading. It is just harder with ADHD to monitor and refocus.
I switched to audiobooks. Do a mindless task while listening that keeps me focused enough that my mind doesn’t wander, but l not using so much that I can also pay attention to the book.
I wish that worked for me. Instead, I’ve gotten used to hitting that 30sec rewind button!
I had the problem a lot in the beginning. I start and quit books several times over over the years. Then, one day it started working and it’s awesome.
Try it again, once it “clicks” you’ll just be able to do it when you want to.
Oh, I’ve finished a few books. I just occasionally take a while for a certain chapter!
Edit: I do appreciate the supportive attitude; however, it did feel unintentionally dismissive. Fwiw, I was venting, not looking for a solution!
All good! Were different people and what works for me might not work for you! I just love books and I want you to be able to enjoy them too. :)
I realized a while back I wasn’t reading anymore. But as a kid, I was the one who’d use a flashlight to read under a blanket to avoid getting caught staying up. I’d even read a book walking between classes in highschool, navigating with my peripheral vision (I realized I never needed a whole five minutes for class change, so what better way to use up the time?).
So, definitely on the same team!
“okay, let’s concentrate. we’ve been at this timestamp 3 times already. this time i’m gonna listen real hard!”
20 seconds later; lost in thought.
5 mins later: “goddamit. it happened again. 😠”
it’s so ridiculous.
People use fidget spinners, but I figured out that holding a palm stone (whether purpose bought or just picked up off the ground) in my hand will let me sit and watch stuff vs. randomly forgetting I’m watching stuff.
Lol this happens to me with TV shows. I usually just say “fuck it,” after rewinding three times and forgetting to pay attention to hear the one line I missed, and just let it play.
Yup! At least I mostly only have to jump back about 30sec now… It does get frustrating when I jump back 30sec at the same point several times in a row!
I prefer roll forward over roll back. Hmm, I thought that guy was alive but now the protagonist is doing something with his severed head, oh well I guess something happened to him, good enough for me.
I’d be lying if I claimed to have never “tried” this technique, although my experience was not quite so…smooth?
Well I also know that once I finish the book I’m not going to remember much about it no matter how engaged I was, so that might play into it.
Umm. You know. There might be a connection here?
Nah. That would be too simple, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But I like your style! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I like using my finger to read certain things. If I have both my eyeballs and my hand working on the same thing, it helps a lot.
I could read endlessly as a kid. But now when I start reading my mind wanders almost instantly. I have found audio books to be slightly better, but even then it’s a struggle at time. I have to start chapters over or rewind somewhat frequently. I wish I could turn off the part of my brain that jumps tracks so effortlessly.
If I do something to keep the other part of my brain busy — something not involving language processing, like cleaning, driving, or playing certain video games like rocket league or Mario 3 — I’m able to pay much more attention.
Yeah 90% of my Audio book listening was fine during dishes and other chores. Problem is those tasks are even better with music so I just end up not “reading” much anymore.
I rewatched Anthony Jeselnik’s latest hour because I was convinced I never finished it only to realize I knew the premise as it came up
I have done that so many times. Even with whole movies. Someone will ask me if I have seen it and I’ll say no and then about 15 minutes in I start having constant deja-vu moments until I realize that I have already seen it I just wiped it from memory for whatever reason lol.
Is it by any chance the kind of book? I’m mostly the same, but a well written thriller or fanfiction will keep me up all night reading. My favorite book tends to send me daydreaming occasionally, so it’s not exactly a quality or taste thing imo. Those aren’t necessarily the best literature or even my preferred genres, but they just pull me in, which I sometimes want more than the actual story. It does feel a little like junk food though. Especially with fanfiction, because that isn’t always edited super well and it’s easy to internalize mistakes that you see repeatedly.
I pretty much only read fantasy growing up. I still only try to read fantasy although I did really enjoy “how to build a car” by Adrian Newey. If anyone even sorta into F1 or motorsports at all I would highly recommend that book.
But yeah mostly fantasy books.
I remember how frustrated my mother got when the school told her I needed to be in remedial reading. My parents were both teachers so she thought “I got this”
She told me to read a book and she’d ask me some questions about it. I couldn’t answer a single one.
So she had me read the book out loud to her. I did. Still couldn’t answer a single question. Blew her mind that I could read a book out loud and not even be paying attention to it. That’s when they got me diagnosed with ADHD.
Every doctor I’ve been to since hasn’t even needed me to tell them. They notice on their own.
Yup, few days ago it took me the whole day to read one chapter. Executive dysfunction was particularly bad.
Or reading a book that you loved and then forgetting about its contents entirely after a few weeks.
I’ve been in a reading slump for several weeks, it sucks. So many books I haven’t gotten to yet that I want to…