Guess you just lack the necessary enduriance
Guess you just lack the necessary enduriance
This isn’t a town in Eriador!
Ave, True to Caesar!
No items. Fox only.
Ghee, that sounds pretty good, but I’m afraid it might lead to too much churn
I use them all a second time as a wet bag, refuse bag, etc. not perfect but better than just tossing them right away
You bet, mail in absentee. Confirmed received by the clerk 9/30
JD Vance does wear a suspicious amount of eyeliner….
MFW it’s a knife missile on SC business, and it’s in a bad mood :O
If you rub it down with oil first the jam will just slide right off
I just needed a dishonored game for Morley, Tyvia, and Pandyssia. This is the real reason I’m switching to Linux!
Where was the us when the Spartans ripped up the Athenian olive orchards?
Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that’s why I shitpost on company time
Alive, but stuck in nutty putty cave for eternity
Yes, in the oncoming capitalist hellscape, even white dudes named Richard will need to work
Too bad I have no executive function!
Israeli settlers, so stolen homes, not theirs
Yes please. I’m in fucking shock