On my last day I would find a big cat sanctuary and play with them until they kill me.
Worth it
Get a second opinion
“You got 5"
5 what?
“4 3 2 1”
Doctor says “I got bad news and even worse news. The bad news is, you have 24 hours to live”
I said “Oh my god Doc! What could be worse than that?”
Doctor comes back, "I couldn’t get ahold of you yesterday!
(24 hours Joyner Lucas iirc)
Given the state of the world these days, 31 days is long enough for at least 3 very particular tasks. Any left over time, I’d probably just be bored and procrasturbate.
I was going to say liquidate my investments but to be honest I’m not sure I could even spend all the money in my bank accound in 31 days. I don’t even know what to buy. Beef Jerky and RedBull? I’d probably get my hands on some psychedelics though, maybe even hard drugs. One thing I would do is much more urban offroading with my truck since I no longer need to be worried about my license - or the truck. I’d probably go have a thai massage with a happy ending and try gay sex too because why not.
All in all I don’t think I’d be living that much differently. I already know I’m going to die. I just don’t know when.
Try gay sex now! It’s fun.
I’d probably dedicate some days each week to friends or family, to have more active contact before it’s late, but be shamelessly selfish the other days and spend them trying to finish some of my hobby projects and finally finishing The Witcher 3 if possible.
That’s going to be rough to those currently on my daily agenda, like partner and kid, but I’ve given so much to them, and so little to others I care about, that the balance has to be leaning towards the latter.
Not sure if I actually could do that though. But that’s what I’d hope I’d be able to push for.
Cry because I have accomplished nothing with my life
31 days of perfect health and then drop dead? Or 31 days of slow, debilitating, crushing agony and pain and then death? I just lost my best friend to perotineal cancer, from diagnosis to her passing was 97 days. She made plans to travel with her daughter, spend time with friends, write a will, etc. but she ended up spending a majority of that time in the hospital on heavy duty narcotics and offer her nut because of them. I don’t think anyone would plan on spending their last 31 days like that but it’s more realistic.
Tldr: do the things you would do with news like this now… Don’t wait until it might be impossible.
I’m so sorry for your loss.
I appreciate that. She was an amazing person. I told her she was just dying so she didn’t have to suffer through another Trump presidency.
Didn’t something almost identical get asked a few days ago?
Definitely convince my buddy with the second key that it’s go time. 1:56, for you folks who this is new to.
go complete aladeen
More like this:
Or more like that:
I have to aladeen it needs to be pointy.
Family. That’s all. Use the remainder of my money to help fulfill some bucket list items for my parents, wife, siblings, and my kids. Try to write as much as I can and record as much as I can for my kids. Impart any wisdom I possibly can.
See how quickly I can drop that number to zero.
I’d ask my boss for a day off.
Get into the plumbing business