If I like the song, I download it when I have internet or mobile data. I support the creators in other ways if possible. $1 from one fan is the equivalent of like 13 million streams from them. I’m not paying to avoid ten minutes of obnoxious ads every time I want to listen to music. Anyway, they found Like the Wind, and it absolutely slaps so I’ll download it on my phone.
I agree with you in theory, and in practice for most people. I have weird enough tastes in music though that I haven’t found a single streaming service that has what I want.
What if you want to listen to something you didn’t have the foresight to pirate locally first?
Music streaming is very convenient, even easier than piracy.
If I like the song, I download it when I have internet or mobile data. I support the creators in other ways if possible. $1 from one fan is the equivalent of like 13 million streams from them. I’m not paying to avoid ten minutes of obnoxious ads every time I want to listen to music. Anyway, they found Like the Wind, and it absolutely slaps so I’ll download it on my phone.
How do you play a novel song on demand? How do you find new music you have ever heard before?
I’ll seek it out when I feel like it. I’m not paying to force myself to sit through stuff I’m not interested in.
I agree with you in theory, and in practice for most people. I have weird enough tastes in music though that I haven’t found a single streaming service that has what I want.
There’s an Android port of Soulseek.