Just asking. I do not see me alive under u.s. reign, so I’ve already played that out; just a discussion.
The cons: It will only happen over my dead body.
Pro: you don’t know me, maybe that’s a good thing
The divided and minuses? Why 52? What’s 51?
Greenland, obviously.
Definitely not Puerto Rico. Nobody at the federal level gives a shit about them.
Plus: cheaper phone plans Minus: everything else 😂
US phone plans are also pretty fucking expensive (though cheaper than up here).
Let’s just join the EU instead.
Yeah, that’d be a better idea!
I don’t think anyone should be seriously considering the cost/benefit of the US annexing Canada - it just serves to legitimize the very real and scary threats made by Trump. His statements amount to a declaration of war and should be treated as such.
Under different circumstances, I think it could be really great. Canada is more liberal than the US, so more blue states would be nice.
the divisions and minus? what now?
It’s not happening and it’s not worth discussing. Our sovereignty is non-negotiable.
It’s not going to happen. It’s a pipe dream from the mind of a deranged man.
Infinity to one, and lemmy is taking that shit way too seriously
Our dumbass in chief is full of shit. He’s dangerous in a lot of incompetent ways, but this one is safe to ignore (at least for now).
Realistically if we accept the idea of Canada joining the US they’d likely join as their current provinces (then states).
This would allow Canadians to have a voice in US elections which currently have large political implications for the nation.
I don’t see Quebec joining the US. Current Canadian law grants them protections the US wouldn’t be willing to match. They’d likely become independent.
Despite Canadian identity being based on not being Americans there are large cultural similarities (giving English structural roots).
If it were to occur Canada would likely get some consideration like the preservation of their healthcare system (a point of national pride) and a period for other states to join in on it.
The US would be more blue politically but I would expect catering to northern provinces given they’d have disproportionately high representation.