Cyberpunk 2077 was released in such a horrible state that most might have assumed it was forever dead in the water. Look at it now.
I just finished it + the dlc last week.
Took awhile for me to really get into it. The first half of the game and a lot of the story missions feel like they’re over produced. The gigs were much more enjoyable with plenty of freedom to play like I wanted to.
Once I got into a good car and learned to have the camera stick to a tight third person view and not move it around - the driving became really fun and enjoyable.
I really liked the game, i liked the little detail in it. After Starfield especially. I’d still say Bethesda is much better with populating their maps with interesting details and side stories though.
NPC intelligence and behavior are pretty atrocious, the police in GTA 3 could figure out how to get me if I sat on a roof but the Night City cops just stood there and let me shoot them.
But a good game. If the NPCs coukd behave like real people i think it would be almost perfect.
How’s the gameplay in terms of role-playing and freedom to tackle quests? Any hidden choices or missions with many different solutions? Or is it more like Witcher 3 with clear choices resulting in a small number of quest paths at most?
Haven’t played it in a few years. For me it was an enjoyable enough game, but the problems were with the glitches and stuff. I played on Xbox one at launch and it wasn’t unplayable or anything.
It was just that everything outside of main story missions and some of the side quests was crappy filler. The city was beautiful and a cool environment to run around in, but there was hardly anything to do in it. So many of the side missions are just “go to building, shoot ten guys”, with a god damn text pop up of what could generously be called “flavour text” in lieu of any kind of interesting dialogue.
There were a few fun fleshed out characters, but coming from the people who made the Witcher 3 the lack of charm and intrigue in most of the side jobs was such a let down. The lack of a lived-in feeling world was a let down too. No matter how many issues they’ve fixed I don’t know how it could turn from a 6-7/10 to a 9-10 for me
Needs third person mode.
I’m not asking for curated 3rd person cutscenes like the E3 bullshot, but it would be nice to see V more especially when there’s so many clothes and customization options.
It’s deserved. The only reason it got negative at the beginning was because of the rushed release. They’ve spent years repairing trust with the community and making it great. I’ve played through oh, five times now because it’s just such a great story.
The only negative things I hear anymore are things like “it’s too bullet spongy”, which to me is just so nitpicky. If you can’t look at the amazing world they built, the detail, the depth of the characters, the depth of the story, and all you can see is that - well I don’t think you’re going to be happy with many games at all because I don’t think anything can live up to your standards
Can’t say I’ve enjoyed it very much. Played through once, got disappointed by the endings and lack of variety. The story is comparable to that of gta 5, maybe a bit worse. The enemy AI isn’t particularly great, neither is the build system. It’s pretty much Disappointment: the game for me.
Hmm, maybe on a higher difficulty? I have mostly played normal, but enemies pretty consistently stayed around 3-4 shots from small bullets and 1-2 from big bullets all the way up. Bosses take a little more, but they generally still make sense to take that many and don’t feel wrong. Cyberpsychos of course can take more, but they are practically at a point where they will keep coming no matter how many limbs they lose, so it makes sense that they would take alot of bullets to stop.
I’ll have to try a playthrough on higher difficulties now, the last time I did was when tech snipers did like 100k damage, so I had to play on higher difficulty to not one-shot bosses. They are more reasonable now, like 10k or so at peak.
I’ve played through on the highest difficulty, and eh, yeah it starts difficult but it does even out after a few hours of playing. I died a lot early game, but I’ve also played on normal. For those who complain about bullet spongyness, you don’t have to play on high difficulties, just turn it down and enjoy the story.
I just don’t understand how you can say an entire game sucks on such a small detail in my book, and if someone is that particular about it, why not just install a mod? Idk I think you’re right, a headshot is a headshot in that game, unless you’re dealing with some really chromed out people, then it gets nuts
I still just don’t like the game, even with all the updates and fixes. It’s missing so much potential customisation that I’d like to see in a cyberpunk game. There’s not much to do in the city outside of missions and I hate the bulletsponge enemies with the RPG style hitpoints system. I also dislike the in game UI.
I’ve tried to get into it no less than 7 times, but its always felt like a chore and I give up.
bulletsponge enemies
Your build is messed up if you’re encountering bullet sponges outside high level or very early level content on very hard difficulty. There’s dozens of builds that can one hit even skull enemies. I play a knife throwing build in my latest play on very hard and the only thing I can’t one tap headshot is bosses and mechs.
If you are interested i have a mod list that addresses about everything you mentioned.
The true potential of customization for cyberpunk has always been mods. Its the new skyrim for me.
Yes please. Never played the game but it’s on sale again & I might have to finally pick it up.
I think this is about all the important ones, i have to install them all manually on linux so i cant just export from a manager.
Dark Future by DarkFortuneTeller. Have a look at their list of compatibilities because it makes for a great recommendation list.
HARDCORE22 by cortlong50 If killing feels to easy with this mod its because you took less then 2 npc bullets to your own head. An actual stray bullet has got me before.
Night City interactions By Deceptions add things to do, other mods of them add even more things to do. More mods of them are included in the list below but there are to many i can’t remember.
Night City Aliveand NCPD Prevention Police Enhancement by Katana make the streets more realistic and dynamic as you travel.
I copied these below from my mod archive directory hence the full zip names and icons, i omitted most subjective cosmetic stuff like HQ textures, custom cyberware
‘Lean Anywhere’ <- Sit anywhere used to be the #1 mod on my day one wish-list. Leaning on a ledge during a conversation or one of the many phonecalls feels sureal natural.
'Sit Anywhere - Immersive FPP Camera-
‘Immersive First’
‘Always First’
‘Missing Persons - Fixers Hidden’
‘Better Vehicle First’
‘Parking Spots Enhanced (alt)’
‘Extra Vehicle Controls 2.0’
‘Game time tweaks - Longer days and’
‘Balanced Nighttime Cycle - 4 (Half Speed)-12369-0-9-1705426189.7z’
‘Weather Probability’
‘No Paper Bags From Vending Machines-8387-1-2-1686061498.7z’
‘Immersive Food’
‘Immersive Food Vendors -’
‘Immersive Rippers -’
“Lizzie’s” <- Incredibly polished, i never cared about video game sex scenes but there is much more depth with sex being optional then expected.
‘Kabuki Gun Range’
‘Playable Arcade Machines’
‘Psycho Crowds’
‘Ragdoll Physics Overhaul 2.0 BETA - Main’
‘Yet Another HUD’ <- subjective but works nice with the rest of the ui
‘Loot Icons’
‘Nova LUT 2 - Experimental’
‘Nova Scanner - No Time’
‘Crowd E3 2018’
‘Custom Map’
‘Disable ONLY 2D Effect For UI And Disable Chrom Ab-2648-2-00-1695865650.rar’
‘Virtual Car’
‘Virtual Car Dealer - Browser’
‘Virtual Car Dealer - Car’
‘Virtual Car Dealer - Car Pack’
‘Virtual Car Dealer - Gangs’
‘Darks Night City’
‘Legacy version - Mute All Police Dispatch’ <- recommended as a fix with NCPDPPE
‘No Combat Alert Stealth’
‘No Intro’
‘SFX Begone - Complete -’
‘Legacy v2.1 - Mute Combat’
‘Legacy v2.1 - Mute Stealth’
‘Mod Settings - Gallery’
‘Native Settings UI’
‘CET 1.34.1 - patch’
‘Cookedprefabs Nulled-4789-2-0-1695396661.rar’
‘Deceptious Quest’
I was however unable to install Appearance Menu Mod because of a weird lag when entering cars. Its the only mod that gave me problems but the occurance of this bug seems pretty rare depending on your pc.
I’m not the same user, but I’m still interested in your list.
Way back when, people were wondering if Cyberpunk could pull off a No Man’s Sky-type of reversal of opinion.
Now people will wonder if the next game released way too early can pull off a Cyberpunk 2077.
Replayed it and large parts of the DLC when 2.0 launched. It really is pretty good now.
I still don’t understand* how nearly every gaming magazine could give this game 90+ at launch with that many (partly critical) bugs and features missing that were announce before launch.
*Well yes, I do. It’s “write something good or you don’t get samples the next time”
They probably assumed from Witcher 3 it was mostly fine. I played a fair number of hours on PC, I think the second (maybe 3rd) time it crashed for me was when I was playing the dlc intro, and I don’t think I noticed any horrible bugs. Now I’m not saying they weren’t there of course but this may have all been that reviewers saw as well. Also I think PC was much better on launch than the console so that may have played a big part in it.
I never read many reviews ahead of time to know what promised features were excluded but I’m sure there were a number, so that should have sunk the score noticably.
I would say it’s easily a great game now, but mostly I love the attitude and aesthetics of cyberpunk (the genre) and this was one of the recent games that did that part right.
I’ll skip it cause I still don’t trust that it’s good and never will, they lied already why would I believe them now? There are other better games out there
for sci-fi RPGs this is currently the best available, period.
there are other good, even great ones, but CP2077 takes top spot, and quite easily.
“they lied already”
…and then spent 3 years delivering nothing but excellency, reworking major parts of the game, improving QoL features, listening to community feedback, adding many often-requested features, and being all around excellent devs.
but they didn’t live up to expectations ONE TIME, so now they’re bad forever.
seriously…get over yourself; you ARE missing out on a great experience!
if you’re sceptical, which is, despite what i wrote above, fair, wait for a major discount (easter is next on steam, i think) and get it at like -70% off.
try it out for less than 2h (that’s the cutoff for a steam refund), and see if you like it.
but don’t do this dogmatic “if things are bad once they are forever bad” thing. it keeps you from seeing how things evolve over time, and specifically keeps you from seeing improvement over time.
I have this weird thing that when I’m lied to, I won’t trust you again, weird huh? Sure I’ll play the game in 2025 but I won’t pay for it.
The bugs were not experienced by everybody. On my PC I ran into no critical bugs and very few minor bugs on launch week. I was definitely lucky, though.
It’s possible many review sites were running rigs similar to mine. I personally had a blast with it even at launch and played it 3 times in the first 3 months. Though, it’s definitely much better now, it wasn’t a bad game on its own before, if not for the stability issues must people had.
Just the lack of features that were promised in promotion material before launch and the catastrophic, barely even existing police feature were so embarrassing.
My rig at launch also included 32 GB RAM, a 5800X and a 3080, which was top notch when the game launched, yet I happened to run into two game breaking bugs were I couldn’t progress further into the story. It all seemed very wonky.
It’s interesting because I didn’t have any game breaking bugs and I had a 5950x, 32GB, and a 3080.
That launch was a serious YMMV situation.
I guess it’s a good version of what it’s trying to be now, but I was promised a cyberpunk RPG, and what we got was a really terrible Ubisoft game with cyberpunk coat of paint that was eventually patched up to be a good Ubisoft game with a cyberpunk coat of paint. I still feel ripped off.
Love this game, even week one when i played it and the bugs were rampant, I knew the game had potential. Even so, why in gods name, can i not DUEL WIELD? I just wanna duel wield Jackie’s pistols man 😭
Honestly, I played it at launch and it was pretty good. I’m told my experience was unusual
Same. My first playthrough had like two bugs. One, a random encounter AI just didn’t work for some reason, and another launched me straight up in the air as I was driving down the street.
This was also my experience. I played on PC. I think console players had a bad time though.
Yeah, it definitely had some bugs, even on PC, but it wasn’t like a bethesda game or anything. It was playable, but it is so much better now.
The place full of bot reviews? Okay lul