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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • My concern is, part of the design of the app is to know when the user is underage and detect when they are sending a nude. While I appreciate them putting a ‘speed bump’ there… detecting that specific event could also be an attack vector. Hopefully, we can trust the company that removed “do no evil” from their mission statement to do no evil here…

  • It’s always weird trying to put in perspective how valuable the things we waste are. Like to us, butter is a couple dollars, cuz it’s never not there, we don’t have to think about how much butter there is. There is no other tangible cost than the simple dollar value. So like if you compare it to going to see a movie in the theater, the dollar value kind of makes sense of using this butter for entertainment and teaching. But if butter didn’t feel potentially unlimited to us, the cost might then not feel worth it, even if the dollar value didn’t change.

  • Yeah, I have a similar thing. Despite my whole household getting sick with something and me not taking precautions, I rarely get any of the symptoms that would come from the immune system doing it’s job, and my symptoms from the disease itself are always mild and short lived. I still take precautions against anything new going around, since my presumption is that even if I have my immune system to thank for this, it can still only protect me against threats it knows.

  • Hmm, maybe on a higher difficulty? I have mostly played normal, but enemies pretty consistently stayed around 3-4 shots from small bullets and 1-2 from big bullets all the way up. Bosses take a little more, but they generally still make sense to take that many and don’t feel wrong. Cyberpsychos of course can take more, but they are practically at a point where they will keep coming no matter how many limbs they lose, so it makes sense that they would take alot of bullets to stop.

    I’ll have to try a playthrough on higher difficulties now, the last time I did was when tech snipers did like 100k damage, so I had to play on higher difficulty to not one-shot bosses. They are more reasonable now, like 10k or so at peak.

  • Yeah, I think most people that have 10 or more years experience with linux or unix or other forms think that it has gotten much easier to start out than when they did it, sure it was a struggle back then, but it’s been ten years and I have an easy time with all of it now, so it must be easier now. It may be a bit easier than it was 10 years ago, or 20 years ago, but it’s still very much not “accessible”. Even most steam deck users have a hard time with the very simple, presentable, accessible version that comes on that.

    It’s easy to lose track of how hard something is when it hasn’t been for you in a long time. But linux is unfortunately still very inaccessible for the vast majority of people. It is constantly moving in the right direction, and generally worth getting through the hard part to make it to the other side, but you need motivation to do so, as it will fight back for a long time. But, windows and mac have it almost as bad. Neither one is quite as hard to transition to as linux, but there is still a decent barrier to switch between them. Once linux is around that same level of barrier, that’s when we can expect the numbers to come up notably.

  • The only reason it’s unsustainable is because they are trying to charge less than they should for insuring something in these locations, not built to survive the hazards of them. If insurance companies would stop spreading the cost around to make insuring these properties not cost as much as it should, it would work as the incentive it is supposed to be to change behaviour. By spreading the cost out to people not affected by high risk, they are punishing good behaviour and rewarding bad behaviour.

    If they charged the premiums that it would actually take to insure these places based on their risk and their risk alone, it would either be sustainable, or no one would want to pay it… either way, it solves the problem.

  • I was really hoping for the hand-held virtual portal they had planned a few years ago. Assuming it got scrapped when 3DS didn’t do as well as they hoped. But yeah, basically the tech from the *new 3DS, upgraded to a bigger single screen with an imu so you could use the portal to control the in-game camera. And it would basically feel like you are looking through and holding an actual portal into the videogame world you are playing.

    It’s possible to just do more easily/cheaply in VR now. But I still think a physical device doing it would surprise alot of people.

  • Isn’t that the entire reason behind the rule, so that they could write a way for the vampires to circumvent it. They established a fake rule that never used to exist and then proceeded to prop it up over and over until the reader believed it to be law, and then when they least expected it, it was dashed to pieces in an instant.

    Of course it’s cheating, but cheating at what exactly? Cheating at a rule that never even used to exist, was written specifically to later be broken in that very same book. It’s like any puzzle design in writing, like murder mystery, they usually create the puzzle backwards by thinking of fun solutions to problems they could then create to lead there.