This has probably been asked before but I wanted to add another layer/an alternative.
So, I ask, where did your username/pseudonym/nickname originate from? What’s the meaning behind it?
Or alternatively, which is the most creative/interesting nickname origin you have come across?
Surname plus 3 random numbers
Mine is a cheat code for Castlevania III on NES. Which is, I believe, the name of one of the developers of the game.
I like nicknames that are short and have no real meaning that just kind of sound like they could be a name.
Old demo crew I formed with school friends when I was a teenager.
I first used this name during the “lulz xD so rAnDum” era, and I like to draw. So, RandomStickman
I got onto Reddit back in the day for the electronic music production subreddits. There was an old Daft Punk interview during the big Ultra Music festival days where they made a joke that all EDM music was made by just one guy, Eric David Morris.
Join us at [email protected]
thanks!!! I didn’t know this existed, subbed
Great! It was unmoderated for a while but I recently took it over and I’m hoping to breathe some life into it.
Hahahahaha I love it!
I dunno, but people sure love calling me it all the time.
I get dizzy during sex
Shakespeare and Serious Sam.
Someone else took karl first and I want to know which one of you it was
Just needed a name and combined a word with an animal
My initials are BJB.
I was in jazz band in high school. We were doing a joint thing with the choir, so everyone was running around moving stuff to make space. My parents had bought me a nice music bag with my initials on a plate on the front of it. Someone held up my music bag asking who owned it. I figured they just wanted to let the owner know where it was being moved to, so I spoke up… “Hah, your initials are BJ!”
Hence, my name became blowjob. The completionists called me Blowjob Betty (I’m male) to get that last initial in, too. At the time, I was quite quiet and took myself maybe a little too seriously. This ended that.
One day, I was at my buddy’s place, and he called me “Beege,” saying he didn’t want to say “Bee and Jay,” as it was too long. At that point, I said fuck it. My name is Beege. Let’s go.
Over time, my friends added an article because why the fuck not.
Over 20 years later, and it’s still my name. It actually taught me to not take myself so seriously. Although, one interviewer at a job had a really hard time keeping it together when HR told her my nickname without catching the meaning. She and I are good friends now.
In any case, I always get a slight chuckle inside when people hesitate slightly after introducing myself. I’m great at keeping a deadpan face about it now, too
My girlfriend calls me that regularly.
I’m a huge fan of Bathory, so I just combined Quorthon with his previous stage name, Ace.
Got any anti-aging tips?
Quality blood from young virgins™
I’m fatigued in more ways than one and people joke that I’m fae because I’m allergic to metal.
Redditors are stupid in very specific ways and it annoys me.