Lucky for me my parents were both “I didn’t save anything for retirement, my kids will take care of me when I’m older”, so I don’t have to suffer through this.
They spent it on groceries then voted for an orange dipshit .
I mean I’m not crazy about inheritance anyway for some reason it gives me the jeebies.
“We aren’t gonna give you any inheritance”
“I’m not gonna give 2 fcks about you when you become too old to care for yourselves”
I’m not saying that my family’s like this but sounds fair to me…
“Fuck you, I got mine.”
The attitude you describe is, I believe, the result of capitalist and religious propaganda that reinforces individualism rather than collectivist and non-religious yet spiritual philosophies. Those like Hinduism, Confucianism, Zen and Toaism.
Not to sell any one in particular but the common thread in the East is a different perspective than a boss in the sky eternally judging each individual.
Even if you aren’t religious, advertising will tell you you’re a special, unique and seperate individual. Desiring to stand out as famous, beautiful, smart, funny, strong etc is just a trap but one desired by many. Unfortunately, to be above others, then others must be below you. To be rich, there must be poor.
An understanding of this force of balance shows that to minimise the extremes of poverty you must minimise the extremes of wealth.
The East sees our true self is the larger whole of which we as Humanity are a small part of. While your name may seperate you conceptually, none of us are separate from the air we breath or the stars we see. Nothing is seperate even though the mind feels and believes it is so. Are you really in control? Do you beat your heart? When you make a decision, do you first decide to decide?
I only say all this because, when one genuinely switches thinking this way, then naturally you want to be generous and caring towards all others because you see everything as yourself includeing all that is non human.
These philosophies are not the complete answer to our problems because many of these philosophies were born in China and, even though it’s embedded in their culture, they are still struggling like everyone else. But a more modern widespread common understanding of the true nature of the situation may be beneficial.
“we set our money on fire and voted for trump. good luck” - boomers
“we love voting for trump despite being poor as fuck because we are complete morons that have been brainwashed by andrew tate and joe rogan clips on tiktok” -gen z men
class issue, not age issue. though i do understand getting frustrated at people who fall for the grift
You guys are getting a good luck?
Most people need to sell their estate to pay for end of life care, just tell your boomer parents they can spend their last days in whatever dumpster their meagre estate can afford and they might rethink their next cruise.
I get the anti Boomer sentiment, but the reality is many of them are very decent people.
My dad passed this year and now it’s just my mom left. She has a net with of about 2M. I’m doing just fine myself, And she gets by on about 70k a year (half of that goes to rent). I keep telling her she should spend more money on things that make her happy, but she’s good with what she has and doesn’t feel she needs more. She doesn’t want to travel and she has everything she needs.
Just because the boomer generation has left us with a dumpster fire, doesn’t mean that there isn’t a wide distribution of people within that age group. The truth is only a handful of us have the power to change anything and the rest of us are just trying to get by and get the most out of life that we can.
Inheritance is clearly societal ill, and even on a personal level, depending on inheritance might cause family troubles
I’m suing my sister right now because her low life boyfriend talked her into short changing us. Then my mom died so I’m getting double. Yeah. Family troubles indeed.
More like … “Boomers decide to watch and accelerate the burning of the world because they’re going to die soon anyway”
my kids will take care of me when I’m older
with what?
Removed by mod
Bring out your dead!
That’s how I inherited my tremendous fortune
Well that’s the question now isn’t it! But I’m sure I’ll be a failure if I’m unable to take care of (pay for) them
Not to worry, you’ll be a failure if you do
Hey, now you sound like them!
Oh this is me. Their house is packed and they keep buying more shit and going on international cruises. We’ll get nothing.
And that bothers you? Do you only care about money?
Related Twilight Zone clip:
What a backwards and projecting take. Keep your pessimistic views to yourself.
This is a bad faith take that only reflect the experiencs of the wealthiest boomers. There are elderly people struggling with Medicare and social security being cut. Remember, there’s not an age war, there is a class war.
Don’t forget that if we can’t paint everyone in a group they were born into with a broad brush, we’ll never be able to beat prejudices like racism, sexism, and ableism.
Oh good I was looking for this comment.
If this is really a Forbes article (it’s just a picture not a link), it is one of an endless stream of opinion pieces by monied interests that pit the populace against each other to distract what the billionaire oligarchs are doing.
Worth repeating:
Remember, there’s not an age war, there is a class war.
This is worth repeating on basically all things political, social, financial, etc.
There is no “_____” War, there is only a Class War.
It’s a class war, but many boomers are scabs.
Remember when there was a worker shortage and retired boomers went and volunteered at chain restaurants so they wouldn’t have to raise wages to attract workers? Remember all the “millennials are so entitled, they want to be PAID FOR WORK” style posts by boomers, back when some non-boomers still used Facebook so we had access to their posts?
It’s not their fault they’ve been brainwashed by right-wing propaganda, but they for sure are fighting against anything resembling economic justice.
And obviously much like any generation, you can’t make sweeping statements about them. There are right-wing nutters in their 20s and even their teens out there right now and there are obviously boomers who aren’t selfish assholes.
retired boomers went and volunteered at chain restaurants
Source on this? This sounds insane
There were a lot of news articles and social media posts from angry boomers being circulated at the height of the minimum wage worker shortage after covid hit, but I’m having a hard time finding any right now so I must’ve dreamt it instead.
I remember this happening too. It was mostly fast food restaurants that were supposedly going to shut down bc “young people would rather sit back on the stimulus check than work minimum wage in shit conditions” while boomers couldn’t stand missing their mcfatty meal at every whim. That’s how the news spun the narrative around 2020-2022 during the height of the anti work movement. I’m sure I could find a source if I visibly gags checked my old reddit account
It is a class war but boomers provide political cover the the ruling class to destroy the country
There is no war but the class war, full stop.
The boomer I see sleeping on the sidewalk every morning is more a victim of capitalist fuckery than I’ll ever be. There’s no war but the class war, everything else is secondary.
Yes that one boomer is a victim and many of are also victims but at same time they spout what tv told them as gospel when you bring up any issues within system.
If they want ally with the working class good, but as a group of people I don’t see anything like this.
But most of them lack proper education or they think it is not in their self interest to demand any serit reform.
They are not allies as a group of people and many of them nk longer work either. So they don’t care for working class struggle.
There is no war but the class war comrade.
We have more in common with an entitled boomer or homeless man than we do with Elmo or Zuck (or McConnell or Pelosi) or any of the other elite. Everything else is a distraction to class consciousness, don’t fall into the same trap lead-brained and propagandized victims of childhood abuse do. They are not the enemies.
Than you ever hope to be.
It is a class war but boomers provide political cover the the ruling class to destroy the country
You are trying to generalize so you can make it not a class war because it’s easier. Stop it.
I am not one of those children that clutches their pearls for family members to give what they busted their ass for away for free. My father just paid off the mortgage of his home. It is his.
And he paid it for over 25 years as people like us lived in and left it. It is just unearned entitlement for any of us to come to him, demanding or expecting something he earned through hard work.
And it is something generations after his wont understand. You try being 66 years old and enduring the grind for so long to finally have something like a home to yourself. And not have a thought of reluctance of just giving it away.
It is ironic considering how much of a clutch todays generations have with their phones. Does anyone think they are the kind to give a home away when it is paid off? You tell me.
We’re talking about what happens to our parents stuff when they die. What are they going to do, burn down the house when they die? Oh wait, that’s exactly what they’re doing, climate change is a hoax to a large portion of boomers, housing costs have risen well past cost of living, university costs have ballooned to unsustainable levels saddling an entire generation of people with debt they can’t pay off, we have some of the most ineffective, expensive health care in the world, and oh, to top it off, we just elected a far right government that wants to wipe their ass with the constitution, and usher in the U.S. version of the third Reich. Some inheritance…
Us child free Gen Xers on the other hand…
What doesn’t get spent on enjoying a retirement we will never get, will be claimed by medical bills from failing health. Generational wealth doesn’t apply to us, and no one is coming to save you.
medical bills from failing health
Not everyone is in the USA.
True, some will be denied and will just rot, if they’re fortunate enough to have insurance to deny them.
You only need insurance in the USA. Most other places are socialised.
I nisread, I thought you said “Not everyone in the US”. My bad for the miscommunication.
no one is coming to save you.
I’m not quite a boomer, but I do see this generation as just wanting hand-outs. -Oh wait… that’s just how it appears online because they’re the ones with all the time to post about it.
I’m all for the average retiree spending freely and enjoying what they earned. They spent a lifetime working; it’s their money. Inheritance issues create way too many family disputes.