Lucky for me my parents were both “I didn’t save anything for retirement, my kids will take care of me when I’m older”, so I don’t have to suffer through this.

    3 months ago

    I am not one of those children that clutches their pearls for family members to give what they busted their ass for away for free. My father just paid off the mortgage of his home. It is his.

    And he paid it for over 25 years as people like us lived in and left it. It is just unearned entitlement for any of us to come to him, demanding or expecting something he earned through hard work.

    And it is something generations after his wont understand. You try being 66 years old and enduring the grind for so long to finally have something like a home to yourself. And not have a thought of reluctance of just giving it away.

    It is ironic considering how much of a clutch todays generations have with their phones. Does anyone think they are the kind to give a home away when it is paid off? You tell me.

      3 months ago

      We’re talking about what happens to our parents stuff when they die. What are they going to do, burn down the house when they die? Oh wait, that’s exactly what they’re doing, climate change is a hoax to a large portion of boomers, housing costs have risen well past cost of living, university costs have ballooned to unsustainable levels saddling an entire generation of people with debt they can’t pay off, we have some of the most ineffective, expensive health care in the world, and oh, to top it off, we just elected a far right government that wants to wipe their ass with the constitution, and usher in the U.S. version of the third Reich. Some inheritance…