Since my parents said it the day I was born.
People have been saying it as long as we’ve had language.
I like to pull this list up whenever someone starts talking about how the signs are clear that the end is near:
Pretty much none of these are based in any sort of evidence though. This time we have concrete evidence that our environment is in a runaway loop past the point of repair. We have guaranteed proof that we have already destroyed our planet’s biosphere. The melting ice caps by themselves are already a self-sustaining heat loop even without additional help.
This is not “I declare that Jesus will return in 184 months and then the rapture will happen” like pretty much every other prediction of apocalypse. This is not “the Mayan calendar runs out this year so the world is going to end”. This is not “the Bible said we’re going to have Revelations this year”. This is known fact.
Since I learned of the existence of Jehovah’s Witnesses, nearly 40 years ago.
At least since the 90’s.
I just learned today that the magnetic poles are gonna swap in the 2040s, so that’s my guess.
They’re not swapping by 2040. Geomagnetic poles take an obscenely long time to swap; we’re talkin’ hundreds of thousands of years. What’s gonna happen by 2040 is that Earth’s geomagnetic “North” will line up with “true North”.
My entire life. I grew up attending Christian schools where we were taught that we’re living in the end times.
I don’t recall anyone ever saying that, unless it was to make a joke.
I envy your lack of this particular childhood trauma.
We don’t have many apocalyptic christian churches in my country.
The only time I’ve had someone tell me we’re living through the end times was during the whole 2012 thing, but they said it as a joke.
On the other hand, I’ve always had a feeling, even before I was a teenager and started becoming aware of the world outside my little bubble, that humanity won’t be around by 2100. I very much hope I’m wrong.
Pretty much from the very beginning.
As genx, we all thought we would die like war games, but i don’t remember anyone calling it end times.
*laughs in evangelical upbringing
No kidding.
I remember dad making me read some book proving the end time we’re here because Saddam was Nebuchadnezzar reborn (the proof was their silhouettes looking similar). So much “whore of Babylon” stuff.
He recently sent me a YouTube video of a guy talking about the valley of Jehoshaphat and Trump heralding the end times.
It never ends.
I grew up with all of these idiotic Nostradamus shows and books that claimed he was foretelling the end of the world in our times. Of course his predictions were so vaguely worded you could slap them anywhere in history.
The book of Revelations is a feast for people who love to interpret symbolism.
Even the ancient Greeks used to complain that society was devolving. They talked about earlier generations being gold and now they’ve devolved to iron.
Christian apocalyptic belief has been poisoning right wing politics in the US for ages now. Things like relations with Israel have been heavily warped by it.
Every time I start a new game in Zomboid.