They also still have the death penalty.
I have to do laundry too. 🙁
This is a spin on the truth. Slavery has never not been illegal per the US constitution, it is just only legal for prisoners. We had a prop on it to disallow mandatory labor in prisons in California. We voted against it because Americans have a hard-on for punishment. Personally I think being caged is punishment enough, ESPECIALLY when you consider the sheer volume of for profit prisons in the US. Hurray, private business can keep doing slavery in the state -_-
It has been and still is legal in federal law across the US
How is it a spin on the truth? Forced labor sounds a lot like slavery and they voted in favor of it. Just because some people justify slavery with a reason like “criminals deserve it!” or “but look at their skin color!” doesn’t change that they’re voting for slavery. Just because the criteria isn’t directly skin color (80% of prisoners are not non-hispanic white… so its pretty much is still forced labor based on skin color) doesn’t change it at all.
Wow you really put a lot of cheap assumptions on what my point was instead of just waiting for me to answer (especially when I said exactly why it was a spin the first time…), you kind of suck. Stop assuming the worst as step 1 in how you deal with other people.
The spin is they took the truth “this will continue to be legal in California and the US” and spun it into something that makes it sound like its just California, like were upholding some accent California law. It is a shifting of the narrative that this is legal across the entire country, which is much more concerning, and making it seem like this is a California only problem.
Also the title saying the US is collapsing, being active tense, implies that this decision is part of the cause, like this hasn’t been in the US Constitution since 1864.
But yeah were definitely collapsing, just for other reasons lol
And yet, California voted affirmatively to be a slave state in 2024. I did not have that on my 2024 bingo card.
continue to be a slave state*
Like the rest of the entire country already is*
My point being that it should be more shocking to people that this is the way of the country as a whole instead of framing it as a California only problem.
It takes a 2/3rds majority of both legislative chambers, and 2/3rds of the states to pass a new amendment. There’s not any question as to why we’re still stuck with that line in an amendment passed in the 1860’s.
California has never before held a referendum on slavery and was admitted as a state in 1850 as a “Free State” because of a compromise on the national level.
In 2024, they voted for slavery. They can no longer hide behind the onerous process of editing the 13th amendment. They specifically voted in favor of slavery.
That’s fucking huge.
Slavery has never not been illegal per the US constitution
I think that was pretty clear and correct. Slavery is still very much legal in the USA.
Edit: actually the triple negative makes it say the opposite of that lol, carry on.
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States
Inmates shouldn’t have rights. They are worse than animals, have no conscience, no reform measures have actually worked in terms of reducing recidivism, and victims matter more than offenders.
Having them do “Slave labor” is justified.
Do you… do you really rhink that way?
Trolling used to mean something, man.
It was an art form, subtle and truly beautiful to behold. Now look at what it has become. Truly makes you cry
Didnt you name yourself after a criminal played by someone who assaults children?
Beautiful. See, this it’s done
You do know that countries focused on rehabilitation over punishment have low as hell crime rates right?
What race are they?
Objection: Relevance
I wouldn’t feed the troll if I were you, that’s what they are after.
The crime: smoked a joint
Land of the
freeLand of the fee,
Home of the slave.
Land of the free is misspelled. It’s land of the three. Trump, Leon, RFK.
Basically because we’re the 4th largest economy in the world, and thus, billionaires also run this state.
We also didn’t get rent control adjustments, or a minimum wage hike. So yeah.
They haven’t called the results of the minimum wage vote yet, god dammit! Don’t take this from me yet!
At least we already indexed minimum wage to inflation a while ago so it will still go up, just not by as much.
Wasn’t the ballot initiative also deliberately confusing? I remember seeing something about it and reading it myself and going “what the fuck is the answer for no slavery?”
No, it wasn’t. It had no argument against, no supporters against, and the text was extremely simple.
Yes/No Statement
A YES vote on this measure means: Involuntary servitude would not be allowed as punishment for crime. State prisons would not be allowed to discipline people in prison who refuse to work.
A NO vote on this measure means: Involuntary servitude would continue to be allowed as punishment for crime.
Although I can’t seem to find if this text is on the ballot to explain it
Yep that’s what’s on the ballot too. Very simple. I’d argue middle-school level or below.
Clearly most people don’t consider forced labor slavery in a prison environment. At least not in California or any of the other states that allow it.
I voted against it because I think they are plenty of prisoners that want to work, so we don’t need to be forcing people, but I also understand how people could just consider it a part of the punishment too. I mean, you take away so many rights of a person when you imprison them. What makes this facet special? Is it because we used the magic word slavery and so people suddenly feel guilty because of America’s past?
The prisons themselves litreally didn’t care enough to even argue against it, which should tell you how little this actually impacts their workforce. My understanding was that people were just getting upset at having to do wildfire related work when things started getting dangerous after they reaped all the rewards and training for that job.
It’s like being a firefighter for the pay, chili, and comradery, then balking when you are told to go fight a fire. Your average person could do that and probably be fired on the spot. Prisoners don’t get to make that decision.
You understand they weren’t paid for that training or job, right?
You understand they weren’t allowed to do that job when they were out of prison, right? Even as a volunteer they’d be disqualified. They received no benefits for risking their lives, but we’re punished if they did not. They were not sentenced to death.
To your main point, slavery is bad in all contexts. Corporations shouldn’t get to have slaves because they pay their workers so badly they turned to crime.
It has not collapsed yet. Democrats are electing a new chair RIGHT NOW (I don’t know the date, but in the next few weeks).
They are going to elect a centrist. We can stop them. Now is the time.
If the new DNC is progressive and inspires people, it will prevent reluctant Republicans from going full scorched earth.
A progressive platform will win Democrats the white house for the next 20 years. Ask FDR how I know.
This, right now, is the final chance we have to prevent collapse.
Spread the word, share & cross post.
“Scratch a liberal, and a fascist bleeds.” Makes you question if Californians really care for the marginalized.
I don’t understand your first sentence. California is way more evenly matched than people would like to believe. There’s also a bit of selection bias where the super racists leave after a few years because what is objectively not a particular caring state is still too “woke” for them so they try Texas/Colorado.
I mean given what I’ve seen of their treatment of the homeless it’s very obvious many if them don’t.
California is not the most progressive state. It’s just so big that it being progressive makes the news more.
Which one do you think it is? HI? VT?
I’m not sure, but I live in Washington, and we are at least as progressive as California is.
The only thing that pissed me off more than Trump winning, was seeing how many good Props failed, and bad ones passed.
I’m glad we made LGBT marriage part of our constitution, but jesus christ the voting base here is NIMBYs, NeoLibs, and Conservatives.
Exactly right
My guess is that all those people who didn’t show up to vote dem weren’t around to vote for the other dem items.
There was a certain irony in ranked choice ballot initiatives failing while the same people that didn’t show up complained about both candidates being “exactly the same” or to punish the Democratic party.
Can you expand on that? Good news in American politics would be a nice change.
- California made it in the constitution that marriage is between two people, gender or sex is not considered what counts
- And we also made it so Medi-Cal gets a permanent chunk of funding no matter what the budget is doing.
Why that bear don’t have 2 heads?
Because it isn’t 2189 yet.
Also, please use the spoiler tag.
The urge to re-install New Vegas grows…
Crazy that you uninstalled it in the first place tbh
If I don’t, I can’t remod it fresh and new after seeing all of the wonderful mods coming out all the time these days. Plus, I’d never play anything else!
I thought the bear in their logo had two heads
That comes after 2077
The bear in the flag was over-hunted and had its habitat destroyed so it’s no longer found in California. It’s a great metaphor.
Same here, the only bears still in Toronto are all on Church Street
Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter
I bet the mutated Canada Geese look the same, they couldn’t get any fiercer
And all because 1950s McCarthyism incepted America with a seed that may eventually destroy it long after the USSR’s dissolution
I’d zoom out, Capitalism has a growth phase and decay phase, we are at the tail-end of the decay phase and need to jump to Socialism.