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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • There used to be a an armed security guard that would pick up the money from the Starbucks across the street from my last job that gave me the same impression as this little guard.

    He was 400lbs+ and I always thought “If something happens to this guard he’s not chasing anyone down. He’s gonna shoot em.” Tiny guards make me think the same. I hope she doesn’t have a gun.

  • You’ve just misunderstood what freedom of speech is. The government won’t jail you for your opinions. You can say whatever you want that isn’t a threat or call to violence.

    Let’s be real though. That’s why people get to call you names when they disagree with you. They also have that same protected speech.

    Protesting is a thing you are doing while exercising your free speech. However, you can be doing 2 things at once. Exercising your free speech while committing the crime of trespassing, etc. That one right doesn’t make you legally immune to anything else you’re doing.

    Of course, people commit crimes while protesting to give their protest some teeth, and in some cases to bring attention to the law they might be protesting. But you should be prepared to be fined and arrested during spicy protests. People sitting in the road acting shocked they get hit and dragged away just make me feel like I’m looking at too many shocked Pikachus. You should expect it. That’s why you are there. If you didn’t face violence you aren’t really showing how strongly you feel. That’s what it means to stand against opposition.

  • This is likely why I haven’t seen my doctor write anything for over a decade. Literally everything is done on the computer now. There’s a rolling computer in each room. The only handwriting I saw was by the nurses on a big whiteboard when my wife was giving birth. Just to pass notes and write times.

  • I think an interesting side effect would be the massive reduction of houses being bought as rental properties. If you had no real way to cover a mortgage or even some of the absurd property taxes with the rent you could get, your wouldn’t invest unless you really believe in the area or are buying to fix and sell.

    It would basically tank the housing market and put everyone who owns a house with a mortgage under water. Would suck for me, and I’m not a landlord.

  • I read just fine. You just can’t accept that lots of people disagree with you. The person calling a medical procedure done in a hospital mutilation is obviously lying. You lie and exaggerate because telling the truth would mean you don’t get to look down on people from the internet.

    Our bodies having parts doesn’t make them inherently useful or purposeful or superior to life without. We still have tail bones, we grow teeth that don’t fit it our mouths, babies have razor-sharp nails that they slash their faces with, and we get auto-immune diseases. Our bodies are a minefield, constantly finding new and inspired ways to die or fail in spectacular fashion.

    Repeated childhood infections that can be reduced to zero are hard to measure as people whose children suffer from repeated infections arr loath to self report for risk of being investigated for negligence.

    The advice to wash your dick is a sure sign that you weren’t heavily involved in raising a child. Getting them to brush their damn teeth, wash their hands, and just generally not be gross is hard enough without necessitating a genital check as well.

    If that can be achieved with a common and safe procedure that has extra perks and downsides that are largely assumed instead of proven, all the better.

  • Some people believe in doctors, the CDC, the World Health Organization, and countless other institutions, and some people don’t. You’re the latter, and the last 4 years taught me that people in your camp are wrong about too many things, but also that you need to be told you are wrong before you get emboldened by your recklessness and idiocy.

    It also showed me that you’re depraved sycophants that are almost always projecting some weird perv shit.

  • Not a real comparison. A baby is given some sugar water and already lives in diapers. They don’t even bleed after it’s done, and you just put some jelly on the front of the diaper for the first few weeks. They experience no discernable discomfort.

    An adult male has gone through puberty and has a life that doesn’t involve sleeping through 18 hours of it and getting changed every couple of hours. The risk of infection is greater because you are an adult who doesn’t get the luxury of having every single need met 24/7 and getting to rest through your entire recovery.