• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • If you let your cat outside in the Americas (or anywhere cats haven’t lived for thousands of years) unsupervised I’m going to assume one of the following is true: you don’t care if your cat dies, and/or you don’t care about wildlife. Even if you live in a place with zero predators, why the hell are you trusting a CAT with road safety?

    Saying this as someone who grew up with parents that let our cats live (and die, a lot) that way. And as someone who has seen two friends lose cats to coyotes in the past year. And also interrupted an attack on someone’s pet by a coyote. It’s been a bad fucking year here for coyotes.

  • Thinking Joe Biden sucks because he’s enabling genocide against Palestinians is a stance held by approximately zero Nazis. It’s a stance held by a lot of queer people.

    If you have to chain together a bunch bad faith assumptions to call someone a Nazi, it’s time to cool it. Every queer person isn’t going to have your exact politics, it doesn’t mean they’re a fucking Nazi or faking being queer online. Figure out a way to be okay with that, because the alternative is that you’re going around accusing every queer person whose politics you dislike of being a Nazi.