I’ll start. My girlfriend’s cat never purrs or does the “baking biscuits” thing even when he is clearly enjoying the cuddles.
I have a cat that plays fetch.
It sounds cute, and it is - until he’s bringing you q-tips he dug out of the trash to play with.
I had a cat who loved doing that with a ball of paper. It was basically the only toy she cared for. I bought her so much stuff but it was all not interesting.
My cat used to do this too! Now she doesn’t bring stuff back lol.
We got some of those trash cans that have to foot operated lid and a pretty heavy spring on the lid, they’ve been super helpful keeping our dogs out of the bathroom trash.
One of mine does that too. He only likes sparkle balls or rattle mice tho, so no risk of gross items from the garbage fortunately.
We have a wood floor and his favorite thing is to have me throw it in that room so he can slide halfway across it while fetching the toy.
He has definitely slid into the wall a time or two.
Our tabby also loves to fetch and he prefers the rattle mice too
All three of ours play fetch, but only with specific objects. They’re all brothers about 2½ years old.
The tabby cat plays fetch with fluffy toy balls with feathers on them, the grey cat plays fetch with spare cat collars and the little black cat plays fetch with menthol sweet wrappers.
Every time my cat sneaks to our bedroom trash and grabs a q-tip, he SPRINTS out the room and we both yell “CONTRABAND!!!”
Our cats also play fetch as well! We have these shitty bouncy foam balls we dub “regular ball” that they’ll often bring into the room to have us throw them. We have to keep a bag of treats handy at all times.
My cat and I would play catch when he was younger. Then he discovered the outdoors and that was the end of that. He’s content to just come in for a lap sit in the evenings these days.
my cat poops before she eats. most cats poop after they eat.
My grandfather’s cat used to play goalie. She would guard some area, like a doorway and expect us to tty to toss a ball or something through. She’d then catch it and return the ball to us for more.
My cat used to sleep on my head / hair.
I have a rabbit named Saffron that honks when she’s excited 🐇📯
My dog has a foot fetish. My snake has an armpit fetish. We tend to find them both randomly staring at empty corners. Weird cryptids.
My 5yo cat can’t sploot. She doesn’t know how to, and she doesn’t want to (when assisted).
Interesting. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cat do that. Usually their back legs are tucked away
All my others cats love it, especially in the summer.
My cat loves to sleep in.
It’s common for people to semi-jokingly complain about their cats waking them for food every day. Mine doesn’t do that.
If it’s the weekend, and I sleep without an alarm, I’ll rouse to my cat having joined me in bed, ready for a couple hours of snoozing as the sun comes up.
He’s usually down to keep chilling in bed for hours and hours past when I usually feed him.
That’s a perfect cat.
He is.
The fun part is that as soon as I do actually get up, he isn’t far behind, and then the meowing by the food bowl begins.
Ahh, there it is. He’s still a cat after all.
Unusual overall? A lot, since she’s a chicken, and they’re batshit crazy.
But unusual for a chicken would have to be her habit of cuddling. She doesn’t do it often, but when she wants to cuddle she cuddles the hell out of you she pecks my arm until I wrap it around her, then borrows her beak into the crook of my elbow then starts her little content chuckle/purr.
After that, there are only two rules: no touch, only cuddle. And no moving, only cuddle.
Anything else is met with an indignant rage that can’t even be matched by a church lady at a strip club getting teabagged. There will be squawking, and you will obey, or suffer the Wrath of Marans (which rhymes with Khan, and the s is silent because it’s french).
The Wrath of Marans is mostly just more squawking, followed by angry stomping. But it’s terrifying if you squint really hard. Okay, if you squint real hard and pretend you’ve been shrunk to the size of a particularly small mouse.
The Wrath of Marans can also be doled out for other crimes such as; not surrendering the biscuit, not surrendering the peanuts, not surrendering the completely inedible piece of aluminum foil in your hand, or the absolute worst crime of all; Picking The Chicken Goddess Up to Prevent Her Pecking Things That Will Hurt Her. Which can be elevated to all caps as needed. Which is just the same thing with extra squawking and some growls.
You pull the string, the pointer spins and lands on: The Chicken says BAAAAAWWWWWWK! I WILL EAT YOU, PITIFUL HUMAN!
Jesus. Did Terry Pratchett fake his death and are you him?
Well written. That made me happy. Also your chicken sounds adorable.
Nobody has ever given me a compliment that wonderful. Thank you very much :)
Our little dog used to let out these long, shuddering sighs when she was frustrated. I used to repeat it back to her, and picked up the habit. Even though we had to put her down a year and a half ago, I still occasionally let out her sigh.
My cat likes to sit in my jackets.
I had a cat named Leia (my pets all have Star Wars names) and she would never eat normally. She snatched a piece out of the bowl and sometimes even chased it around the kitchen. This is why I could never give her wet food.
Leia does not want her food given to her. She wants to earn it.
Sir Kitty was sensitive to the tone of my voice. If I was arguing with my husband, and especially if I was crying, he would come over, get on my lap if he can, and yell at both of us. (RIP July 2020, age 16) Here he is looking like he’s comatose.
Pez used to use her front paws to hold her tail up so she could groom it. I know it’s not super unusual, but she was the only one of our three who did that. (RIP November 2019, age 17+?) Here she is in the middle of a sneeze.
Murphy likes stinky socks and shoes. (Still kicking at 20+)
Pour one out for Sir Kitty, Knight of the Sofa, Protector of the Treats, Lord of the Snuggles!
Funny you gave him the title of Knight of the Sofa. He had a spot on the back of our couch that is still dented to this day from his constant weight on it.
My snake likes to wrap around and ‘strangle’ watches. Not bracelets, just watches.
Do you think the ticking feels like a heartbeat to it?
I’d say yes… except he does it to smart and digital watches too.
Snek is just killing time.
My cat has learned to say “Hello?” when he’s looking for me. It’s like “mherrrro?” It’s kind of amazing.