Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

  • 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • No it isn’t. I’ve played the first game thrice, the second twice, and genuinely adore both for a variety of reasons.

    Forbidden West is literally the only game I’ve bothered taking a week off work to play on launch, and then did it again on PC to play the DLC.

    There is nothing about Horizon which makes it’s popularity unwarranted. The fans are real and there’s tons of us.

    I’ll admit the idea of a live action adaptation felt stupid, but after my parents got to experience the story of the The Last Of Us through the actually well executed adaptation, I was cautiosly ready to wait and see if they might not pull of a decent adaptation of Zero Dawn for them to watch, too.

    Hearing of its cancellation is no great loss though.

  • So what?

    Living in a city with actually good public transit, it is used to achieve exactly that. To get any one passenger from any one point within the metropolitan area, to any other. To work for everyone, even though every single person is starting from a different point, and going to a different destination.

    It doesn’t matter where you’re going or from where. There is a public transit stop nearby at both ends.

    The fuck do you mean “a small segment of the trip”? I share this city with a stupid number of other humans, only a small number of which I go to work with every day, yet a significant portion of of the entire city population travels to work, entertainment and shopping, using the exact same transit network.

    Your trip may overlap with a varying number of entirely different individuals along each segment of the route, and at each end it might just be you walking a few dozen meters… But come on! The fact that it adds up is beyond obvious!

    Your argument is only valid for mass transit, that isn’t actually mass transit.

    And as density goes up (read less roads and carparks), the overlaps INCREASE and the whole thing gets more efficient.

    There is a train station in Tokyo, that serves the same number of people every day, as there are citizens in my entire country.

    Can you even imagine what a highway interchange that could serve 5 million people within 24 hours would look like? No, because it’s a physical impossibility.

    The only reason the number can get so high, is because transit systems consolidate travellers even when they aren’t going to the same places.

  • Your sister isn’t doing her female cats a favour.

    Neutered cats statistically live longer and healthier lives. Fertile animals have health risks. Unless you actually intent to breed your cats, there is no reason to leave them unfixed.

    If you can’t afford it, don’t get a cat. It’s like adopting a pet without first figuring out whether you can even buy the food to keep it alive.

  • Itellä ollut jo pitkään tapana sanoa myyjille suoraan, että kunnon alennus sit päälle tai vaihdan moille/prepaidiin.

    Hinnasta saa aina pois oikein kunnolla kunhan kysyy ja heti näyttää että tietää näistä myyntikikoista. Ei pitäisi tarvita mutta niin se on.

    Elisa yritti vielä rumempaa kikkaa, soittivat ilmoittamaan että nopeampaa kotinettiä saa nyt samaan hintaan viihdepaketilla. Elisa viihde ei kiinnosta pätkääkään, joten kysyin saanko paremman hinnan ja netin vieläkin edullisemmin ilman pakettidiiliä.

    Ei, kuulemma.

    Valhe. Heti kun itse menin katsomaan päivitetyt hinnat, perusnettikin oli nopeampi ja halvempi kuin ennen. Mutta puhelimessa teeskenneltiin ettei moista uudistusta ole, joten ellen olisi käynyt katsomassa, olisi vanha kalliimpi jäänyt käyttöön.