no. and tor was originally funded by the navy…
no. and tor was originally funded by the navy…
they’re worse on lemmy
died under mysterious circumstances… also i killed him
me too, i like the way women smell…
a tangential point to go over, but cases of violence compared to victims is different… as in the us, with guns, one case of violence would have a lot more victims that a stabbing…
so it would be better to compare incidents of violence involving a deadly weapon, especially more indiscriminate mass attacks instead of just fights… and then adjust for population….
still probably not comparable but a lot closer….
and, i suspect, the bullying is a lot less over there and the school staff is a lot more involved in stopping it…. but that’s just a guess.
oh yes… i was bullied a lot, until i was lucky enough to grow taller than most of them….
i feel really bad for smaller kids who never got to stand up to their bullies….
if you want to be really horrified, read up on Kelaia Turner.
i was thinking lately, that might be why there’s so much school shootings (i hear the uk has a lot of school stabbings)….
but if a particularly mentally ill kid is ganged up on and terrified constantly by a large majority of the school, it seems more likely that they’ll do some extremely antisocial behavior… especially if teachers allow it and even join in a little bit.
in middle school, a girl in my grade died at summer band camp from a bee sting….
a group of girls called me to tell me she wanted to be her boyfriend. i declined, as it wasn’t the first time i had the joke girlfriend trick played on me…
but i guess the prank was, i was supposed to say yes, then be heartbroken when i found out she was dead…
instead i was heartbroken that anyone would try to do that to anyone.
there’s a lot of clearweb sites dedicated to subtitles… and they have different versions for different pirated files.
here’s some:
well at least they appreciate irony
this hits close to home….
i have to keep reminding myself: clean everything just a little bit, and then a little bit more, and then again, and then you can meticulously organize some box of stuff you barely use…
if you make a new torrent out of the downloaded one’s directory, the hash should match up and magnet should automatically be the same torrent you downloaded.
although your os probably threw some hidden files in there to fuck that up.
the main filename is usually unique and searchable though… and you could start the new download, let it create folders and temp files, then stop it and copy the completed files over, then manually recheck the torrent….
you’d need a new download directory of course….
(i’ve done this one)
futurewise you can have some programs automatically save a .torrent file for new downloads (qbittorrent, at least).
yes but why is probably the bulk of it…
in journalism they teach you to only do headlines with a question if the answer is no, otherwise just make it say “piracy is justified”.
obviously this guy is a musician and not a journalist, and as such, actually thinking about things he makes….
(i like his other videos too)
no like i’ve been a computer nerd my whole life and went to college for computer science… and i control my own computer, unlike almost everyone else.
and at least with a pc you can control it… most people don’t
yeah but i actually control my computer
i don’t own a tv… just a computer
i’d rather masturbate with a cheese grater than own a “smart” tv….
probably just booze and pills
i’m american. i’m pretty sure it should say “it can oxidize on my donkey”… for no reason.