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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • As much as I hate to pin hopes on a hail mary like that, this is likely the only scenario where we will get voting reform to happen. The party in power has no incentive to change the system that brought them to power in the first place, so we’re basically gambling on an outgoing party using their last days of holding onto power to make it happen. Just writing this out makes me wonder how we ever got here in the first place. Who thought first-past-the-post was anywhere near a functional system to begin with?

  • No, I strongly support unions. People have a right to gather and demand their labor be compensated fairly. Don’t see how that’s related to taxation though.

    As for flat taxes - they are a scam that hurt low and middle wage earners much more than rich people. A progressive taxation system is the most fair implementation of taxation - where people that have little means pay less and people with lots of means pay more. This equalizes the relative impact taxation has on the individual’s income to be much fairer than any flat tax every could be. A 20% tax on a 30k/y income is much harder to bear for the individual than a 50% taxation on a 3m/y income. Someone with 24k to spend after taxes will have a much harder time to make ends meet than someone with a 1.5m take-home income.

  • Okay let’s play this game since you obviously don’t get it: Please tell me who should pay for the roads you use to drive on. And who should pay for the wildfire services that protect your house from burning down. And who should pay for police services to keep you safe. And who should pay for all other public good and services that exist to better our lives collectively.

    Once you go down the rabbit hole of “everyone pays for only the things they need” you either end up re-inventing taxation with private entities instead of public ones, or you end up in utter chaos. For society to function, taxation is a necessity.

    P.S. I do agree with you that misspending and corruption are serious problems that need to be addressed to maintain public trust in government spending, as I already stated. P.P.S. I do actually donate to charities that operate on small margins and put the majority of their donations towards their cause.

  • Counterpoint: I proudly pay taxes and am happy to pay more if it means the betterment of all people living in the province. Taxes are the wave that lifts all boats (*when applied correctly - corruption and misspending are serious issues that should be addressed to keep taxation equitable). Anyone who has an issue with making sure we’re all better off is welcome to go and build a society based off the “each man for himself” principle and report back how that turned out.

    Face it - Humans are group animals by nature. We are stronger as a species when we band together.

    Also, you can’t actually donate to revenue Canada. So I have no clue what you’re on about.

  • Yeah, that’s how the US got to where they are. Profit incentives have no place in healthcare, as it incentivises the exact opposite of what you want.

    If a patient is a revenue generator you’ll want to keep make sure to keep them sick for as long as possible to make more money (or, alternatively, drain them as quickly as possible with exorbitant cost of care then boot them out the door when they can’t pay anymore). If a patient is a cost you’ll want to make sure they are healed as quickly as possible to avoid a further drain through expenses. And you’ve also got an incentive to provide high-quality care, because that patient returning means they will increase cost again. So you better do it right the first time around.