• ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ@lemm.ee
    12 days ago

    american school system. decades of wrong education by specialising while not having broader knowledge and making education a side hustle while college football is their slave business.

    this has led to a mostly degenrated society. an idiocracy.

  • paddirn@lemmy.world
    13 days ago

    It’s so dumb, like of all the challenges facing us as a species now, THAT’S the shit that people are getting worked up about? Life on Earth for humanity is in the process of going through a set of major environmental changes that we’re probably not ready for and is going to have catastrophic results for some… and there’s people out there getting bent out of shape about pronouns and sexual orientation. We need to be doing alot more preparing for what’s coming over the next few years and a lot less bitching about things that don’t personally affect us. It seemed like we had made some big strides for awhile there, and that seemingly got erased within the past 8 years.

    • zout@fedia.io
      13 days ago

      But those other things is stuff which askes a sacrifice of you personally, while someone else’s sexual orientation only needs you pointing at them. In the Netherlands where I live it’s a lot less about sexual orientation (but still some), and a lot more about foreigners, be it asylum seekers or people of Moroccan descent who’s grandparents were brought over in 1960’s because of labour shortages.

  • neidu2@feddit.nl
    13 days ago

    Because right wingers spent the past ten years repackaged the fear mongering about “The Gay Agenda” and call it woke instead.

  • pr06lefs@lemmy.ml
    13 days ago

    Rich shitbags funding divisive propaganda to make the plebs fight each other and vote against their own interests.

        • Snot Flickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          13 days ago

          For an ugly fucking lady like Rowling, you’d think she would understand that going down the path of “that woman isn’t feminine looking enough to really be a woman” is anti-feminist at it’s core and could hurt her in the long run when people begin questioning her gender for being an ugly ass.

          Or does she really think she’s some hot shit and not some ugly twat?

          It’s literally already happened to Kyle Rittenhouse and Andrew Tate. She’s making this worse for herself in the long run.

          • Mac@mander.xyz
            12 days ago

            Perhaps you’ve been projecting the ugliness within you all along and that normal looking non-supermodels can be shitty people for things separate from the way they look.

          • Thassodar@lemm.ee
            13 days ago

            She may be making it worse but she has made enough money to not give a shit.

          • BCsven@lemmy.ca
            13 days ago

            ? I mean here personality is ugly, but google images make it seem like she is not physically ugly. Not that that really matters.

      • son_named_bort@lemmy.world
        13 days ago

        They both genuinely hate trans people though. Hell, Musk disowned his own trans daughter. Like if he was just in it to divide the population he wouldn’t be treating his trans child so horribly.

        • MotoAsh@lemmy.world
          13 days ago

          I mean, you seem to be assuming that muskboy cares about any of his children.

          He just hates that one more because she exposes him for the hateful shitbag he is.

    • nondescripthandle@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      13 days ago

      Exactly. Its no coincidence we went from Occupy Wall Street and national level discourse about actual healthcare and UBI, to such debates as ‘is genocide okay?’ and ‘are nazis bad?’ Purposeful misdirection that in it’s staunch opposition to anything left of capitalism, created fascism.

      • yesman@lemmy.world
        13 days ago

        You know, it’s perfectly OK to group voters by identity, so long as that identity cannot exclude “Normal” people. Soccer Mom, Six pack Dad, Middle class, working poor, labor, Small Business owner, Rural, Urban, and Suburban are all perfectly fine to promise these groups political power. But you do the exact same thing for queer people or black people and that’s identity politics all of a sudden.

        • TubularTittyFrog@lemmy.world
          13 days ago

          queer and black people don’t have money. those other groups do.

          if all the sudden queer people were billionaires, you can sure as shit bet they’d be promised political power. in exchange for their money. they’d be running corporations, in political office, etc.

          it just turns out that it’s mostly white dudes who have all the money, and some white women, and the occasional random other non-white person has it. in USA at least. obviously different in other countries.

          • jerkface@lemmy.ca
            12 days ago

            Gay people have exactly as much money as everyone else. There are proportionately as many gay billionaires as there are gay homeless people.

        • ganymede@lemmy.ml
          13 days ago

          can you please explain further what you mean? it could be interpreted a number of different ways.

          i’m not sure if this is your point or not? but there is obviously overlap between each of those groups, there’s black sixpack dads, and poor/middle class lgbqti etc etc

          anyway imo none of this revived division appears organic. there’s always going to be the odd biggot, but afaict the majority of modern biggots are being indoctrinated and radicalised by an organised media effort (and our leaders are either complicit or ‘inexplicably’ powerless at protecting us from it). for sure these radicalised biggots should do better, but we’re also talking about average people going up against billion dollar propaganda machinery. it’s certainly asymmetrical warfare.

          • VirtualOdour@sh.itjust.works
            11 days ago

            The sad truth is that the right are pandering to homophobia because it’s a vote getter for them not because they really care about it.

            A huge portion of religious people believe that homosexuality is an especially dangerous sin because it’s a social contagion, they see the increased popularity of gay things and the decreased respect for religion as a clear sign that the devil is winning and faithful, godfearing society is collapsing. To an extent they’re right, modern views on self determination and respect for others is anathema to Christian society as it’s been for over a thousand years - to the faithful it’s like saying the sky is pink or fish live in trees.

            There are of course now grifters using homophobia to draw people into their political ideologies but it’s generally people from homophobic families in homoohobic communities that get drawn into it, it’s easy to forget that when you see a twenty something year old kid making homophobic comments it’s likely at his age his dad was going ‘queer bashing’ for fun with his friends and certainly wouldn’t have hesitated to beat up a gay person in a bar or in the street if encountered.

            Even big artists like Eminem had deeply homophobic messages in his music, now that’s backtracked and he’s friends with Elton - this isn’t entirely because he’s grown as a person but because at the start of this century it was unconscionable that rap or hip hop could be anything but homophobic. School kids used the word ‘gay’ to describe uncool or disliked things so commonly it was even part of my own vocab despite being raised in a progressive and accepting family in a liberal area.

            Things have changed so much just in my adult lifetime but it’s not universal, a lot of religious and conservative people see the ‘gay agenda’ exactly as you see the ‘homophobic agenda’ in that they believe it’s political narrative being pushed just to destabilize morally virtuous power structures to allow corrupt and evil people to take power and steal money.

            Companies that shoehorn a poorly written gay character into everything for the sake of inclusivity feel like a pandering cash grab to me but to the homophobic Christian it feels like asymmetric warfare from a deranged and selfish elite hellbent on ruining western society.

            It’s a hugely complex issue for me, I honestly have no idea what the best thing for the greater good is. Forcing things too hard can be painful for those unready which causes resentment and reaction but holding back and allowing non-violent homophobic behavior to exist in our society is hurtful to those struggling to find snd accept themselves. (For example being 17 and trying to reconcile popular music explicitly talking about how your unexplored sexual desires are disgusting, realizing you have to make the choice between humiliation and self denial - and this is probably a big part of other emotional troubles which can lead to rejection of otherwise sensible social norms leading to unhealthy drug use, self endangering behavior and other things that still have lasting damage to my life to this day)

            I don’t know what will solve these complex issues in our society, maybe making certain concessions to mildly homophobic sections of society would stop driving them into full on culture war crusaders? Maybe highlighting that it’s not only possible but probable to be gay and boring would help ease the anxiety? I actually kinda think straight pride type events and companies pandering to heterosexuals could be normalized and accepted more - not in a way that pits them against everyone else but more of a everyone gets a party kinda way. Stop heteros feeling attacked or at least make those who want to paint that picture looking silly.

            It’s sad to admit but humanity is naturally kinda selfish and shitty, bigotry and group thinking is as natural and easy to us as breathing while compassion and understanding takes effort and the right circumstances to flourish.

            • ganymede@lemmy.ml
              11 days ago

              excellent writeup

              i agree with alot of what you said and will try to hit a few key issues and hope i can add something to the excellent perspective you’ve cast.

              The sad truth is that the right are pandering to homophobia because it’s a vote getter for them not because they really care about it.

              exactly, they know its a very useful mechanism to accumulate power. so imo we should constantly remind ourselves - they’d be doing this anyway. if homosexuality didn’t exist or was non-viable for this, they’d be onto something else. they’d have used any topic to get what they want. (you could ofc have a metadiscussion about why certain topics are more powerful than others. but thats a different discussion).

              anathema to Christian society as it’s been for over a thousand years

              another critical point, as you correctly identified, this is how christianity has become, not what christianity was even purportedly about. if you take the actual words attributed to jesus in the bible, afaict never said a god damn thing about being gay trans whatever. according to their own book - after centuries of fucking with the bible - it STILL says the greatest commandment of all is to love your neighbour as yourself and you can’t judge cos you’re all fuckin sinners afterall.

              so it’s all hypocrisy built upon hypocrisy , basically typical “there are 5 lights” bs. in other words it has all the fingerprints of a propaganda pathology not an expression of positive spirituality.

              Things have changed so much just in my adult lifetime

              yeah to that end i think the OPs timeline of 40 years was a bit optimistic, or we at least have to recognise that represents a cross-section of OPs experience which wasn’t necessarily universal 40 years ago. that said i feel there has been a backslide in the last say 10-15 years)

              conservative people see the ‘gay agenda’ exactly as you see the ‘homophobic agenda’ in that they believe it’s political narrative being pushed just to destabilize morally virtuous power structures to allow corrupt and evil people to take power and steal money.

              tbh i think thats because its probably both at the same time, its a documented soviet technique to covertly fund two sides of an issue to control the outcome. not picking on the soviets btw, just that they did a great job perfecting these kinds of things, wrote it down and then the power structures keeping them secret began to collapse and the methology leaked to the public.

              we see this in a simpler form where corporations invest in pride month and also unironically heavily invest in homophobic organisations, (so i guess it doesn’t always have to be a cold war operation for powerful entities to effect control via seemingly conflicting interests).

              and in what is presumably a less consciously aware context, consider how jk rowling veils her attacks on the trans community behind a thin veneer of “caring about gay people”. i’m strongly of the belief if she’d been born 50 years earlier she’d be jumping on the homophobia bandwagon instead of the currently “trendy” transphobia bandwagon.

              to say another way, not everyone pretending to be our friend has our interests at heart, infact sometimes they’re just trying to accumulate power by taking the positive stance on this issue - probably for no other reason than the negative position won’t currently yield them as big a return.

              and this can lead to eg. conservatives becoming outraged about a stance taken by someone who is vocal and politically motivated, but who has no business speaking on our behalf, then conservatives end up feeling like they’re “under attack from the homosexuals” when it wasn’t even a homosexual who said it!!

              next the conservatives says some hateful thing in retaliation, people respond to that and it spirals…everyone loses (except perhaps the actual perpetrator). this is definitely a flaw in human thinking where our tribalism clouds our perception, we feel under attack and in the heat of the moment incorrectly assess which side someone is taking (or even that there’s only 2 sides, when in life there’s probably rarely ever only 2 sides).

              Companies that shoehorn a poorly written gay character into everything for the sake of inclusivity feel like a pandering cash grab to me but to the homophobic Christian it feels like asymmetric warfare from a deranged and selfish elite hellbent on ruining western society.

              again, its probably both? tbh i don’t think that laziness is the only explanation for the woefully shoehorned characters we’re currently getting. honestly its fucking insulting (to us, not the biggots - though the biggots might feel insulted too?). as you mention its a profitable cash grab, and i’m sure it hasn’t escaped their notice that a certain type of aggressively half-arsed inclusivity will provide alot more value to them from the hysteria it generates vs actually doing it ‘right’ in a sensitive and compassionate way, which might actually lead to healing.

              if healing is what they actually wanted i think it’d look very, very different than how it currently looks. and the kindest interpretation is they’ve realised it’s more profitable short-term to produce hysteria instead of healing.

              compare in contrast to what i still think (despite modern news) was a great example of inclusivity characters with the lesbian main characters in buffy:

              in 1999 no less, it showed a lesbian couple in bed and instead of a cheap sexiness grab, they’re literally sitting up in bed reading & having a mundane conversation. no sexualisation of the lesbian relationship as something existing only for hetero male gratification, or out attacking heteros. just plain, believable real life characters living a boring normal part of their life. so yes i very much agree that the boring normality is a very powerful thing. surely ALOT more positive overall than aggressive hysteria.

              In summary my take-aways are:

              • their MO is to use a scapegoat, they’d be attacking someone vulnerable, regardless of whom

              • not everyone pretending to be our friend actually wants to help us

              • hysteria is sadly apparently more profitable (short term) than healing

              A positive note?

              I honestly have no idea what the best thing for the greater good is

              i really don’t either, though something think how homosexuality has been hijacked in modern perception (by that 1000 years of fake christianity as you mentioned). in eg. parts of ancient societies, men could love men and women could love women, someone could be a third gender, and it wasn’t even a thing to get upset about it, because it was just normal life. why do we suffer when they didn’t even know they were supposed to be suffering?

        • rando895@lemmygrad.ml
          13 days ago

          The only identity politics I want to see is us against the ruling elite. Everything else is sparkling fascism.

  • BigDotNet@lemmy.ml
    13 days ago

    It’s just part of the show, the illusion of choice for the lower classes while the elite remain the same.

    Just a big distractor.

    • davel@lemmy.ml
      13 days ago

      Wut. No one has an interest in depopulation but a few Malthusian kooks. The capitalist class certainly certainly doesn’t: who would then perform the labor from which they leach their wealth?

    • Don_Dickle@lemmy.worldOP
      13 days ago

      Well romans were fine with it. And the US people like to compare themselves to Romans at the height of the empire. But now it seems totally unforgiveable .

      • maniclucky@lemmy.world
        13 days ago

        That’s… disingenuous. Lot of stuff happened between those points, including the murder of homosexuals for the crime of existing.

        The LGBT community keeps the fight up because complacency gets our rights taken away. Justice Thomas has explicitly stated that gay marriage is on his list of wrongs* to right. To say nothing of Project 2025.

        • TubularTittyFrog@lemmy.world
          13 days ago

          Western world is still pretty much the only place where homosexuals aren’t. Rest of the world… murdered pretty regularly. Asia, Africa, South America, middle east, are all FAR less ‘progressive’ than Western democratic countries.

  • Noble Shift@lemmy.world
    13 days ago

    Conservatives & (Abrahamic) Religion. Both of which without the world would be a better place.

    Also, as always, powered by hate, ignorance and GREED.

    • Asidonhopo@lemmy.world
      13 days ago

      Are the Dharmic faiths particularly inclusive of queer folks? Or just by comparison? I don’t know about Buddhism but China is somewhat antigay, and it’s not like the Kama Sutra had any gay stuff in it, and with all the erotic Hindu temple art I’ve never seen any gay stuff going on. Happy to be corrected if I’m wrong in my amateur assessment here

      • Noble Shift@lemmy.world
        13 days ago

        You know my friend, I am just starting this journey, and I haven’t got there yet, so I have no answers for you. TBH I don’t think I want to learn about anymore than the handful that I do. So far they all have positives to add to a life well lived but taken as a whole they don’t make sense. Or they are just plain ol straight fucked up.

        So don’t wait for me on your journey…

      • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
        12 days ago

        I can’t speak for Hinduism, but this Wikipedia article goes into some of the history of Buddhism in regards to sexuality. Generally, sex of all kinds, whether heterosexual or homosexual or sex with celestial beings, was seen as another one of the 10,000 things that could distract one from the path - but otherwise there was nothing particularly immoral about it. Monks and nuns generally had to follow rules that prohibited both, in order to remove distractions, but those rules were never meant for the general public, aside from the precept against the “misuse” of sexuality, which is ambiguous but thought to refer more to things like SA.

        When we’re talking about modern China, or the present day state of other historically Buddhist countries, it would be reductive to say that their current attitudes towards homosexuality are a product of religion, because it ignores more recent events and currents, and other historical factors. China was also historically influenced by Confucianism, which was more homophobic, but it was also influenced by a bunch of other philosophies, and today it’s not very religious at all. Japan was historically very gay, and the 11th century Tale of Genji has a bisexual protagonist fucking everybody.

        However, every historical tradition had to adapt to contact with the West during the age of colonialism. China at first tried hard to cling to its traditions and stubbornly refuse to adapt to new, Western ideas, but the “century of humiliation” happened and they realized they had to adapt or die. Japan was not directly colonized, but they still had a massive revamping of their society with all these new ideas coming in. Every country in Asia has a story like that. And then you have another 100 years of stuff happening after that.

        China’s modern day homophobia does not come from a place of “The Buddha said this was bad,” rather, it comes from seeing homosexuality as a Western invention, and a symptom of “bourgeois decadence.” Sadly, such brainworms are common in many socialist countries. There is a stereotype many people have that gay people all live in cities and spend all our time partying at nightclubs, because that makes for better TV than the reality does. Ironically, there are many countries in the world that once had their own more tolerant traditions that were replaced with Western values during colonialism, who now hold those values up as their own against more progressive, modern day Western values.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.ee
    13 days ago

    That 40 year step backwards comes from good intentioned politicians making deals with homophobic devils so to speak in order to save other people.

      • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.ee
        13 days ago

        What does sexual orientation have to do with economics?

        Surely the LGBT population has no bearing on the economy, right? I feel like I’m misunderstanding you somehow.

        • davel@lemmy.ml
          13 days ago

          Class war isn’t about economics, it’s about power.

          The “anti-woke” discourse is not as organic/grassroots as it appears; a large chunk of it is astroturfed.

          The media don’t simply reflect the public discourse, they also shape it. Who owns the media? The capitalist class. They use the media to keep the working class divided, fighting each other, and focused on blaming their problems on something, anything but the capital class itself.

          Noam Chomsky - The 5 Filters of the Mass Media Machine

          Conservative pundits (and liberal ones, for that matter) are paid handsomely to distract people, to maintain our false consciousness, to pit us against each other.

          Who owns the politicians? Again, the capitalist class, who fund their political campaigns. When politicians like Ron DeSantis rant about “woke ideology,” it’s almost always kayfabe; it’s an act.

          This is not to say that none of it is organic. Our upset and our anger comes from our deteriorating lives under late stage/neoliberal capitalism—wherein the capitalist class squeezes ever more out of us—creates fertile ground for reactionary fervor.

            • davel@lemmy.ml
              12 days ago

              How did this conversation go from “good-intentioned politicians” to whatever might be going on in Iran? Do you even know what’s really going on there? Because I don’t.

              Imperial core countries and corporate media feed us a lot of garbage about countries they consider their “enemy,” so you should be skeptical of what they tell us. With that said, I’m sure LGBTQ+ rights stand to be improved in Iran, but I don’t really know if they’re getting better, worse, or remaining the same right now. What I do know is that the US wants to paint Iran in as bad a light as possible, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the media should run more stories about the plight of LGBTQ+ people in Iran.

              • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.ee
                12 days ago

                You then don’t see the irony in telling the LGBT “we stand with you” and then going to homophobic nations and homophobic sects and saying the same thing (because they promise help with a certain advancement in awareness)?

                That goes along with what I was talking about, about people making deals with the devil (a figure of speech by the way). I’m pretty sure this phenomenon does not need any help from class phenomenon, positive or negative, in order to exist.

                • davel@lemmy.ml
                  12 days ago

                  The irony of who telling which LGBT people and subsequently going to “homophobic” states and saying the same thing to whom?

                  If someone understands what you’re trying to say, perhaps they can translate for me.

  • Nytefyre@kbin.melroy.org
    13 days ago

    Because the bigots seemed to have found ways to get in positions of influence to spread their toxic ideologies and get laws passed that targets their ‘enemies’. Even when the Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that same-sex marriage is legal, I knew in the back of my mind that things are far from over. Because after that? Like one month later, Kim Davis denied legalizing a same-sex marriage.

    And things seemed to have worsened thanks to the existence of people like DeSantis, Trump and any GOP still somehow breathing that wants to antagonize everyone over sexual orientation. Because in their psychotic structure, they want America to be purely Christian, purely White and probably Blonde, Blue-eyed and fair skinned.

    Even in 2004, George W Bush back then on February was quoted to have said: “Our Nation must defend the sanctity of marriage”. What he means is, to protect the sanctity of STRAIGHT marriage because he seems to have it in his head that marriage is the property of the church and all that shit.

    Doesn’t that sound exactly like the kind of people a certain country named Germany aspired to be like back in WWII? Ironic.

  • BallsandBayonets@lemmings.world
    13 days ago

    All the comments saying it’s a distraction from how the working class is being oppressed by the owner class are right, but also…

    There have always been bigots, small town small minded people who don’t “know any gay people” but there was that one skinny boy in their class that didn’t like sports so he was bullied until he left town at 18. And now, that generation of bigots is finally dying out. Not only due to age but due to an increased connection with the greater world. A small town bigot might not know any LGBT people personally but they are aware of their existence, due to television and the Internet. So quietly ignoring people who are different than you doesn’t work anymore. And a dying animal fights harder than ever.

    These death throes are useful to the owner class. But they are still dying out. And if we can exterminate capitalism and figure out a way to survive in a post-warmed globe, we might just see the end of (this particular type) of bigotry.

    • TubularTittyFrog@lemmy.world
      13 days ago

      Dude, plenty of Democrats in their 30s who say they are progressive are raging bigots and support racist policies.

      They are just quiet about it. They aren’t saying crazy racist nonsense on tiktok, but if you talk to them about issues like housing or schools… they make it very obvious what they think. Using polite language, of course. Black people are great, as long as they don’t live near them, or go to the same school as their kid goes to! These are the same people who are NIMBY because they don’t want ‘people who haven’t worked as hard as I have’ from living near them.

    • Don_Dickle@lemmy.worldOP
      13 days ago

      Well in america it seems to seems that people are theologically do things against LGBTQ and enacting them. The news we get and i preface this while knowing America is on the brink of it. That other countries or instutions are savages. Not my opinion but what we see daily.

      • Dae@pawb.social
        13 days ago

        My guy, there are entire countries controlled by Islamic Extremists where you’re lucky if all they do is kill you when they find out you’re LGBT, and it’s entirely for “theological reasons.”

        I put this in quotes, because I’m not nor have I ever been a Muslim. But Islamic Extremists will kill gay people for supposed “theological reasons.”

        It’s most definitely not just America doing it because “mah holy book says it’s wrong.”

        • Don_Dickle@lemmy.worldOP
          13 days ago

          Like I said I am in America and all we see is how backwards other countries are on the topic. It just feels like America is now in the process of becoming one of them

  • Klear@lemmy.world
    13 days ago

    Because gay rights have more and more support so they decided to pick an easier target.

    • Asidonhopo@lemmy.world
      13 days ago

      They moved against the gays when abortion stopped being such a wedge issue, which itself replaced school integration to turn out the bigot vote.