M. 34. Unfortunately I will never get companionship, never being with a woman, so that means no kids, until recently i was doing a miserable job, now I’m unemployed. I don’t have friends and still living with my family since I can’t survive alone, we’re low class…

Seriously, what’s the point? Please don’t tell me to just live and go out there and explore the world, to leave everything behind, that’s not possible. I always despised “exploring” that’s why I stay in my room most of the time, even when I had a job. But I know how some of you will respond…

I guess there’s no point. Someone had to lose this fucking game.

  • TheFriar@lemm.ee
    3 months ago

    So…your dilemma is that you’re miserable and wish you weren’t. But you refuse to change.

    So you’re determined to stay miserable. If that’s the case, fine. Do you, but don’t expect other people to have sympathy for you if you’re just an unrelenting asshole and trying to pawn off the responsibility for your misery on others.

    Read some Camus. But hE’s DeAD sO fUCk hIm right?

    Get over yourself. Change if you don’t want to be miserable. But if you’re determined not to, stop fucking asking everyone to validate your feelings.