Lets say you get abducted by aliens.

They inform you that they want to make contact with human individuals, not the entire humanity. They have a limited telepathy and can “scan” for human mental traits like spiritualistic / non-spiritualistic, artistic / non-artistic, introverted / extroverted, anxious / chill, low / med / high IQ, technology oriented, business savvy, mathematically gifted, socially gifted, scientific, etc.

They want you to define traits that would make encounters go smoothly and be representative of humans.

Without knowing anything about those aliens or their interests. What is your answer?

  • RBWells@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Nobody who is an aliens conspiracy person, they wouldn’t be believed. Schizophrenia I think would let someone receive telepathy but again, unreliable.

    If they can abduct me, and communicate with me, why do they want to communicate telepathically with the rest of humanity, why not contact using technology, our technology? If they were so very different there is no way they could communicate that idea to me clearly.