I know they’re going to say it is only jokes. Fuck that. I get y’all want to be edgelords, but this is the most dangerous thing that has happened this century. I would be surprised now if we make it to the end of the year without some people getting assassinated for real, and it will target overwhelmingly the leftest end of the spectrum.

Example, example, example. There are others.

Y’all are on the precipice of finding out firsthand the difference between “OMG I’m so oppressed, the police are racist and I’m struggling to pay my bills, civil war y’all” and “OMG I’m so oppressed, a gang of big violent fuckers with bats and boots and the support of the government just attacked my whole community, seriously hurt me, and burned part of my house down. They told us if they find us here tomorrow, they’ll kill us.”

  • jet@hackertalks.com
    2 months ago

    Reforming the electoral college is a great place to start, I agree there’s a lot in the United States system that needs to be changed. Especially the voting system not just The electoral college, but first pass the post voting in general

    However, the implication of your statement, is assassinations are fine if they achieve your political goals. My response is that is the absolute antithesis of democracy, you’re removing people’s ability to affect their outcomes by killing the people they might vote for.

      • jet@hackertalks.com
        2 months ago

        The point still stands You’re implying that a government decided by assassinations as preferable to a government run by the electoral college.

        I’m saying assassinations are the greater evil, and further from any practical form of democracy humans know about

          • jet@hackertalks.com
            2 months ago


            Reforming the system is acceptable, using assassinations to get the outcomes you want is destroying the system entirely, and not replacing it with a better system, replacing it with worse levels of authoritarian violence.

            If you simply want to win, and you have no principles about how you get there, you have no business in governance. I’d rather be led by somebody who is wrong but guided by principles then somebody with no principles.

              • jet@hackertalks.com
                2 months ago

                If you can’t click on the link I can’t help you.

                We’re having a good conversation, you’re saying assassinations are good, I’m saying assassinations are bad.

                I think you’re advocating for a worse world, and I hope your life gets to a better place, where you do not wish the unlawful death of other people who inconvenience your worldview. That’s a dark way to live.

                  • jet@hackertalks.com
                    2 months ago

                    So, political assassinations are when someone tries to kill a leader or important person in government because they disagree with them or their ideas. But even if we really don’t like what a leader is doing, it’s still not right to hurt them or anyone else.

                    Here are a few reasons why political assassinations are immoral:

                    • Hurting others is wrong: It’s important to treat others the way we want to be treated. We shouldn’t hurt people, even if we think it’s for a good reason. There are better ways to solve our problems without harming others.

                    • It doesn’t fix the problem: Killing a leader doesn’t automatically make things better. Sometimes, it can even make things worse! There might be more fighting and unrest, and the new leader might not be any better than the old one.

                    • We should respect others’ rights: Every person has the right to live their life safely and freely. Assassinations take that right away from someone, and that’s not fair.

                    • There are better ways to make change: If we’re unhappy with how things are going, we can talk about it, protest peacefully, or vote for someone new. These are better ways to create change and make our voices heard without hurting others.

                    So, remember, it’s always important to be kind, respect others, and find peaceful solutions to our problems. Assassinations are never the answer.