Yea let’s join another white nationalist project, that’d teach them
Make Commonwealth Imperial Again!
Might be some geographical issues (perhaps of the ocean variety) with this proposal
Maybe canada can be the first member of a post-European EU. I guess we’ll need a new name.
Well, Ireland is separated from the rest of the continent by ocean. Canada is just a slightly bigger island, slightly further away…
Can’t we just harvest the states that want to leave?
Can we Philadelphians join?
As someone from a South Jersey suburb of Philly: take me with you!
Any reasons why these two neighborhoods go against the grain? Are they the posh suburbs?
Let the GOP force them to become a state. They’d get 2 senate seats and more electoral college votes and congressional seats than any other state. Just in time for the Dems to run on deannexing Canada.
Actually, no, they wouldn’t. They would have ZERO rights.
I’m a bad feeling they’d Puerto Rico us
You are 100% correct.
I’m super jealous because I’ve wanted to have Canadian citizenship since back in my late teens / early adulthood when I realized that there was already a version of America that actually lived up to American ideals and which offered same-sex marriage as well as universal healthcare. That weed and apparently codeine are legal there make it so much more bittersweet.
The only people I’ve known personally to get citizenship are those who married a Canadian citizen. Which sucks for me because I’m already happily partnered and there’s no way I’d give that up for anything, not even Canadian citizenship, awesome and appealing as it is.
Unfortunately, Canada has MAID, and also likes to deny healthcare to natives in the hopes that they will just die.
Maybe if/when the US invades, if we fight for Canada they’ll give us citizenship.
Guys guys guys, let’s be good friends with the EU, let’s even adopt some of their best policies, but honestly, they also have some baggage we don’t need.
Believe me, we don’t want Orban either…
I just want to be sovereign. How is that so hard for people to understand?
Ya both those prospects seem “Colonial”
Canada should totally call Trump’s bluff. The GOP would lose their everloving shit at the prospect of another state the size and political leanings of California involved in US federal elections.
It would be amazing if Canada made a bunch of demands that would be seen as unreasonable. Like, demand that every Canadian province and territory be split in two, and each be admitted as it’s own state. That would add 26 new states! There’s no way the US would go for that. I’m American, I hate this administration and I have been to Canada many times. Anything that Canada can do to mess with these morons in office would be welcome.
When “the big one™” hits, can California join either of y’all?
Absolutely but only if you drop the Maga people off in Utah on the way out.
Honestly do people think this we’ll happen cause Brussels has already said no.
Brussels can suck my balls we’ll wait 6 months and Strasbourg is in power ez bro
Back to supporting CANZUK then
Pretty please yes! I would love to leave to US for the EU. But that hop across the water is very difficult for me to afford.
Yes please, I will vote to support this.
Don’t all member states have to vote us in? Can’t see that happening.
Especially with Hungary’s russian asset in command (yeah, we also have a Trump in Europe…)
Orban has to vote for Canada. Why? His regime will be over in 14 days if he does not get the EU money. Orban’s biggest rival is in first place according to the latest polls. If he wants to be re-elected, he cannot sabotage EU policy.
Another rich country paying membership fees. Why not? (Ignoring general bureaucratic problems)
As a Canadian, we promise to bring cake (and a shitload of natural resources) to the next meeting.
Fuck your cake. Fuck your natural resources. Fuck your bilungualism, affable manner, vast wildernesses and extensive waters. Keep them. We don’t want them.
Would you like extra gravy with that?