I’m in my late 20s. In the last years, I’ve moved a few times and tried out a bunch of things. And discovered I have a hard time getting close to people.

I used to think I just need to go out more. But I found out that most people I meet just don’t seem to “fit” with me.

Let’s say I meet some interesting people, who are funny, smart and have shared interests with me. We make a bit of small talk, hang out, and then I go home exhausted, feeling like I just came out of a work meeting that should have been an email. And given from how they rarely invite me back, I guess the feeling is mutual.

Someone told me I am quite cold towards people I don’t know well. Part of that might be that my usual way of talking is a bit emotionless. Another part could be a consequence of me basically going through the script in my head. “How is work these days? Cool. Yeah, me too. Yup.” I don’t want to be this way. But I also don’t want to go into full sales presentation mode, because that feels really wrong.

I used to think I would just become misanthropic. But there are people where I just click with. Talking to them is not a chore, but something I look forward to. And they seem to enjoy my company as well. Some events seem to have a lot more of “my people”, some less.

If you read my rambling until here, thanks. I genuinely don’t know any more. Am I becoming the old sod sitting on his porch yelling at kids? Or am I just spending time on the wrong people? Have you experienced something similar? And how could I change this?

  • ArseAssassin@sopuli.xyz
    5 hours ago

    You might be missing a third place. I couldn’t find one so I started a Meetup group and managed to get something going. We’ve had a couple dozen regulars in the past years. Can share more if you’re interested.

  • fartguy@lemmy.world
    10 hours ago

    As someone in my late 20’s and who’s moved around quite a bit, I will talk to most people about most things. If I want to know something (within reason), I’ll ask. I’ve made friends and formed a trivia group in a shared Lyft when they did them, just by asking if they liked trivia. I wanted to know about careers at a museum in NYC so I asked the woman working the desk and we got to chatting. I asked someone about the beer they got at a show and that lead to more conversations about our mutual interests. If I see someone wearing merch or something I like, I’ll tell them. These open conversations and can lead to more. Sometimes they don’t. Sometimes they lead to friendships and sometimes they don’t but it’s still a pleasant conversation nonetheless. It just depends on the person. If I embarrass myself I can laugh it off and take comfort it knowing I probably won’t see these people again or one of us will forget in a few days. It is harder if you’re a guy. I am also a guy but I have a baby face and have been told I have a “very non threatening vibe.” YMMV. I will add I have autism and I think the benefit of that is just breezing right past small talk.

  • ocean@lemmy.selfhostcat.com
    14 hours ago

    I only find it hard because no one tries at all. St the beginning of my PhD I organized a ton of parties and near the end many in my own cohort would call on sick an hour before. We all have the same lives, I know they have no friends, what’s the point?

    Luckily some of them were better than others but I feel people are so absorbed by their world and phones that they don’t step out much

  • some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
    16 hours ago

    I don’t talk about work unless the other person brings it up. I stick with, how’s it going or how’s life. What’s been going on with you since last time? Whatcha been up to?

    Keep practicing having a natural conversation but try not to think of it as practice. I was super socially awkward when I was younger and have only gotten better at it with time. It gets easier.

    • zcryj@lemmy.worldOP
      16 hours ago

      Maybe that was a bad example. Thanks, that is reassuring. However, I feel like I get better and flipping the switch and doing smalltalk / pretending to be social, but worse at actually being social. I fear I’ll end up as a cranky old man yelling at the kids, and I’m not even 30.

  • surewhynotlem@lemmy.world
    18 hours ago

    It sounds like you’re trying to do forced corporate networking. I.e. create a relationship for the purpose of the relationship.

    That doesn’t work.

    Find some activity you like to do, or volunteer somewhere. Show up a lot. Those are your friends now. They can introduce you to others.

    • zcryj@lemmy.worldOP
      16 hours ago

      Sorry, I should have worded that differently. That is precisely what I don’t want, of course.

      My issue is, I don’t want to have a “linkedin” relationship with people I meet at, say, a sport I do. But I seem to be very picky about who I enjoy talking to. That sucks. I don’t want to be like that. I’m cool with not being super close with everyone, but it would be nice to talk to more than two people without thinking.

  • EightBitBlood@lemmy.world
    19 hours ago

    Here’s some advice from someone with a high nat charisma role on birth:

    Gaining friends, lovers, or even acquaintances isn’t a goal to be worked towards - rather - the best kinds of these relationships are byproducts of mutual interest and experiences.

    If your efforts are only going towards showing up at social events to participate in small talk, then no wonder it feels like you’re coming home from work. Because that’s the same behavior expected at work.

    This “social script” we’re expected to follow at work is to maintain social standing to get work done, rather than grow and deepen connections.

    Basically, work socialization and personal socialization should be approached differently, and taking the work approach to your private life will likely lead to the same kind of relationships you’re building at work: simple and makes your work easier. (Rather than relationships that are deep, and make your life more colorful.)

    Here’s something to try the next time you find a group you want to be a part of:

    • 1st: Don’t talk about work itself. Talk about the actions you take at work. Don’t say, “I work in sales” say “I sell shit to those that don’t need it.”

    Talk about the specific actions you take, in work or anywhere else, and personalize them.

    The fundamentals of any relationship are built on the aligned behaviors of individuals. The easiest way to determine if the way you behave is similar to others is to talk about how you act. And if you can add in your own opinion about those actions, even better. These small things communicate who you are much better than anything else. Actions speak louder than words, so try your best to speak about yourself as the actions you take - use verbs to describe yourself, not nouns.

    • 2nd: Don’t talk about yourself unless asked. Instead, engage with others to learn about them. Specially, what actions they like.

    If you know someone is interested in something like bikes. Don’t ask what bikes they like, ask if they “like the thrill of downhill mountain biking,” or “prefer a chill bike ride through the park.”

    Do they watch movies? Don’t ask “did you like that Movie?” Rather, ask “did you like pacing of that Movie?”

    Verbs should also be at the heart of your inquiries into others, as they describe the actions others have that might align with yours.

    That is - good relationships are built on mutual action, not mutual interest.

    So don’t ask, “How was work?” ask “What projects are you working on?” Then follow that inquiry up with more specifics on their behaviour through that project - “How hard was the project to complete? Who got in your way?”

    Basically, socialize as if the people you want to hang around are all the main characters within their own show. They have adventures, villians, love interests, etc - and just spending time learning what those are, will make them feel closer to you. Once you know enough about them, you can begin asking them about the events in their own show. That is, in time, your small talk will grow from, “how was work?” to “did you get your evil manager fired over their bullshit harrasment?”

    And that’s the difference between a friend, and someone you know at work.

    Eventually, when you learn about these people more, you’ll discover the behaviour they have that aligns with yours. And eventually, you’ll begin doing stuff together with them.

    They like casual bike rides? Cool, give it a shot with them! They like seeing matinees on Sunday? Cool join em!

    The more you show an interest in how people behave, the more likely it is they will want to include you as part of that behaviour.

    • 3rd. Encourage others. Be their hype man.

    You know how they act? Great. Encourage it. Sometimes, even encourage it with you included.

    They love bike riding? Great. Tell them about the park near your house they should try. Heck. You can even join em.

    People often have goals tied to their favorite behaviours. If you know what those goals are, you can encourage them to pursue them. When they succeed, you will now be a part of it they’ll remember.

    In time, you keep up the above, you’ll be surrounded by people you know well, and whom you’ve shared a lot of activities with.

    And they will without question enjoy you in their lives for it.

  • QualifiedKitten@discuss.online
    20 hours ago

    Your best bet is to find activities that you enjoy that you can do on a regular basis in an environment where you’ll be around other people who also participate regularly. Sign up for a class, join a sports team, volunteer somewhere, find a local meetup group, or even just become a regular at a bar.

    Making new friends definitely gets harder as we get older because people are busy and just don’t have the same opportunities to casually yet regularly interact with strangers any more. As kids, most people repeatedly engaged with the same group of people on a daily or weekly basis due to school, sports, etc., and the familiarity that came with that made it relatively effortless to develop some friendships.

    Even when I totally hit it off with people I’ve just met and we exchange contact details, I’ve rarely ever intentionally hung out with them again. The new friendships that I’ve formed as an adult were either with a friend of a friend or with people I happened to cross paths with many times before we ever intentionally made plans together. It’s those repeated, low stakes interactions that have been most successful at forming new friendships.

  • venotic@kbin.melroy.org
    20 hours ago

    Finding friends becomes harder the older you get, so you still have time and youth on your side. However, do not write off on the ability of going out more, this is still a thing you have to do, to get anyone at all. You can make online friends for sure, but they’re still people on lists, behind screens and hundreds to thousands of miles away from you. You won’t get to them unless you build healthy savings and arrange things.

    Your key is hobbies, what do you do? What do you like? There’s a community out there for everything. Finding friends is a lot of wheeling and dealing, don’t be too hard on yourself for not finding too much to be compatible with someone over. You never know if you’re dodging a bullet because the worst thing than just being or feeling alone, is wasting time on the wrong people.

  • Flagstaff@programming.dev
    21 hours ago

    Here is your problem:

    hang out

    It should be more on a regular basis with a focal point than just random meals. Board-gaming, glass-blowing, rock-climbing, something—what do you like or would be willing to try?

    When you have another topic as the focal point of your meetup, there is less weight on you to have to purely carry the conversation nonstop. Join or start a movie-watching or hiking group, etc. There’s so much out there. Forming a new group takes a lot of sustained effort over years, but if some new additions get interested enough to help run events, it gets way easier. Accept help quickly, after some brief vetting.

    • zcryj@lemmy.worldOP
      16 hours ago

      I do a bunch of stuff, that’s not the problem. But, for example, last time I went hiking with a group of strangers, I just had a bad time. I didn’t talk much, I didn’t enjoy the talk, I wished I was either alone or with the (rare) friend. And I cannot really blame the people around, they were as welcoming to me as they were to anyone else.

      What pisses me off most is that I wasn’t always that way. I met one of my closest friends at a hike, we just hit off. Maybe it’s a numbers game.

      • Flagstaff@programming.dev
        13 hours ago

        Oh. Yes, then it is absolutely the numbers game at work. Out of 5-10 gatherings you attend, you might strike it off with 1 person… to be just an acquaintance at first. We have to put on really thick skin, and if any certain group just isn’t working out, move on to find another; don’t try to keep hoping things will improve (I mean, they might, but it’s typically faster in my experience to just try different groups altogether).

        I think you’re on the right path and just gotta keep going. Sorry that last event was discouraging, but don’t give up!

  • PeteWheeler@lemmy.world
    22 hours ago

    It is hard making friends, and there is no straight answer since all of our lives are very different. That’s honestly the main reason why its hard to make friends.

    I would join a sports league, book clubs, etc. Something where everyone who goes, has the intention to return.

    Also, in your post example it sounds like you went out once with these people. As soon as your done hanging out with people, I would shoot a message saying that you should do it again. Be the reason people come together, because no one wants that job because its tough.

  • steeznson@lemmy.world
    22 hours ago

    I’ve noticed some of my pals have become more insular since getting married which is a mistake IMO. When you hit your 30s it becomes harder to make friends so you need to tend to the ones you have.

  • Libb@jlai.lu
    24 hours ago

    Making friends is not easy (it can be frightening too) and takes time & patience.

    Also you need to differentiate between true friendship (which is probably rarer than true love) and acquaintance. My best friend and I have been friends since we were 14 (we’re well into our fifties, now). We know and appreciate a few other people, but there is only one of us for the other and that is despite meeting a few very remarkable persons in our respective lives (and living away from one another), friendship is very rare. Don’t try to force it.

    It also require a lot of trial and errors. Friendship is rare which means simply means that often it will not be friendship. No matter how nice the person is. And then one day, without them or you being bad persons, your relation will come to an end. They’re aren’t friends, that’s all.

    And then there is that… Remember my best friend? Our first encounter back in school where he just landed and where I was considered one of the smart-ass, we almost fight together because we were, and all those years later still are, at the complete political opposite and we both wanted to prove the other who was the smart-asses and we both were punished for that by the school which let us chose between being expelled for a few days (it was a strict school) or spend a couple hours locked in classroom and talk together, calmly and under distant surveillance. We decided we would talk—our teachers back then were smart and I wish for any kid to be taught by the same kind. We talked and we talked more and, despite our differences or maybe because of them, we realized we could learn a lot from the other and that we kinda appreciated the other’s being there. So we kept on talking after the punition was over and… never stopped.

    All of that to say, don’t be afraid to try to go towards people whose company you would not think you could enjoy that may be worth a try ;)

    Like suggested, hobbies are also great way to meet people. Younger, I was into model making (little planes and tanks). I met a few real nice people, a few assholes too. I was (and still am to this day) into history which was another opportunity to meet like-minded people. Any hobby will do.

    Also, if you’re anything like me making friends is difficult because, well, I’m so fucking shy. I will literally blush when someone I don’t already know greets me (and I’m almost 60 dude, tall, bald and build like… someone that never had much to worry about roaming outside late at night). If you’re timid, be fine with it. It’s part of what make you who you are.

    Last thing, don’t think you need to be with people your age. I know it has become kind of the norm for younger generations but it was not for me and it is still not. As a kid, I was much more at ease with adults (I could talk with them like I was never able to speak with kids my age). That may be something else you may want to experiment with. The same when I was at uni.

    If you read my rambling until here, thanks. I genuinely don’t know any more.

    Thx for reading mine, then ;)

    I regularly see younger people feeling lost and, more worryingly, ashamed or even afraid to dare admitting they don’t know what to do about this or that. Be it about friendship or anything. Asking is a nice step in the right direction, if you’re asking me.

    • zcryj@lemmy.worldOP
      16 hours ago

      That is a cool story. Sadly, 14-year old me was an idiot, and being in my politically edgy phase didn’t really help. Meh, live and learn. But that sounds like a very impressive friendship. I know lots of married couples that would wish for such a connection.

      • Libb@jlai.lu
        11 hours ago

        Thx. I was an idiot too. I was just a pretentious and vocal idiot. I still probably am one today, just less vocal.

        I know lots of married couples that would wish for such a connection.

        My spouse and I have been together for almost 30 years and counting and we’ve gone through some real rough time that would have broken many other couples. Like with friendship, we view our couple as a privileged space where we can and should be honest, even when it hurts but at the same time as a place where we don’t judge ever and when needed can forgive a lot—she has forgiven me much more than I will ever have to forgive her on that matter… She is the one that should talk about forgiving, much more than I.

  • Hossenfeffer@feddit.uk
    24 hours ago

    You need to do stuff with people. A lot of friendship is based on shared experience. Just meeting someone isn’t enough, you need to do something with them. So, hobbies, classes, volunteer groups, etc.

  • kava@lemmy.world
    1 day ago

    you don’t just become friends with people to become friends. there needs to be some glue that brings you two together.

    so for example back when you were in primary school, you had that glue- you took the same class as someone or rode home in the same bus, etc.

    as an adult, if you want to make friends, you need to find some glue. it could be working together, or playing dungeons and dragons, or a deep appreciation of black and white cinema. who knows

    so i will suggest one thing and it will only really work if you live in Florida. go to kava bars. just go with your laptop and hang out there drinking kava and doing your own thing. go every once in a while and you will meet people and make friends. it’s one of the few modern “3rd place” locations.