It’s with great honor, I inform you all that I’ve finally been Nicoled. I thought I was left out for a minute there
I got nicoled the other day. Not sure what to do with that.
I haven’t got this one yet. I want one with the new picture! I feel left out
Does she ever change her age or has Nicole been 29 this whole time (I assume this has been going on for awhile)? Also, everytime I see the feddie baddie I am now reminded of Nicole337 from youtube. What a time.
hey guys its nicole
Hear it everytime.
When I am trying to sleep.
Wait! This is a thing? I got a message from her a few days ago. I never heard of her before. What’s the story?
I don’t know the details but I’ve had to ban her account several times (from a number of different source instances) for sending everyone the exact same unsolicited private message.
I never bothered to figure out of if it’s actually malicious or just some nonce trying to drive up engagement. Either way it’s a weird quirk of Lemmy right now that she’ll eventually DM you…
It’s a spammer AFAIK, I considered the possibility of it being used to get IP’s and deanonimize users through the image but it seems this isn’t the case since the image points to a generic pictrs file from a Lemmy instance and most clients / frontends proxy image loading.
THE FEDIVERSE CHICK???! Wow. I heard she hardly ever messages ANYONE with this. Truely a rare message indeed.
I need to own the copy right for my Nicoled™ term.
Actually, it would be a trademark, I think. NAL.
Can you tell I don’t know shit about stuff like that? 😂
Seriously, I’m starting to think all these accounts who keep reposting the spammers message as “look it happened to me too” are also part of the spam campaign.
To those of you as admins on Mastodon, adding a very basic CAPCHA stops it auto creating accounts.
I have a local mastodon that we maintain.
shut up already about this scam
Be patient like I was. Love will always prevail, buddy.
Is Nicole into beans? Or beef stroganoff?
I think the latter. She looks “beefy”
Me too, just yesterday. I’m in the club!
Hell yeah
I think I’m sitting on her fourth message already.
See you later, virgins
Same. Thanks to an Mbin glitch “she” even sent me a second message from an account I’d already blocked 🤣
I feel virginized