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just for good measures
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The original was posted on /r/memes by /u/brylex1 on 2025-03-10 03:01:06+00:00.
Tabs. I need more open tabs. Currently at 67.
This might be one of the most hurtful things here I’ve seen 😭
I have a Project Ideas folder that would choke an ox, as my dad used to say. The only time I ever look through it is when I’m adding something. But tbh I do find items in there that I’ve actually done.
From my screenshots folder (Psycho-Pass Episode 2).
Psycho pass mentioned! (Do not mention season 2).
Ouch, this hit hard.
You know what moment brings me true joy?
Whenever I accidentally close my main browser window but have a second window open so that the browser forgets all my open tabs.
That’s when I’m able to live in bliss for a few days.
LPT: click on Recently Closed
Lalala I can’t hear you lalala - shoves fingers into ears
disorganized information is kinda indistinguishable from this ‘entropy’ stuff. it’s very inconvenient. we should change that. does anyone know where to change the server settings here?
I just woke up and I’m being called out like this?
Backup your bookmarks and then delete all of them. The backup is for peace of mind “just in case I ever need one of them” (you won’t)
Saving this
I did without thinking hmm
I always screenshot a million things on my phone and then purge them all at once one day without even looking.
You have to remember the thing you wanted to remember and where you put it only to find it six months after the point it was useful anymore but don’t delete it because it might be important again even though the odds of you remembering it and where it is should it be useful are near zero.
I’m in this picture and I don’t like it
F u four calling me out like that but also thank you for validating my feelings.
what’s worse is when it’s a store you wanna check out but don’t want the advertisement to get credit, and when you finally DO remember to check it out, the store is gone cause it was a scam all along