I’m a Thai actor. I can’t speak for all actors, but I get paid ~250k baht per episode for a lakorn (TV drama). A typical lakorn has ~15 episodes. I usually do 1 per year. Add to that the salary I get from the TV network to stay with them.
Unionized IT for the primary job. Contract for the second.
My primary spot alone is about 10% high for this region, job, and experience level. And it’s union. And 100%wfh is in the contract. And my boss is awesome. Sometimes the work is dumb, but that’s fine. People retire on half pay.
I work on cars.
My dad did too, starting in 74. They paid for his ASE certifications and he raised a family on his income. With commission I make around 17 an hour and working on cars now is a fucking nightmare. Dont.
Nice try IRS, but you already know what I do: Unemployed, I only deliver newspapers to keep a day rhythm.
Per month 450€ for paper delivery, 600€ from the state (mostly rent assistance).
Lived half a year from my savings without any assistance and learned to cut back at everything unnecessary. Now I get more money and don’t need to pay into healthcare. Feels weird to be able to splurge again. Nothing contributes to my pension fund at the moment, but nobody believes in pensions here anyway.
Disabled, unable to work. I get paid around 8k (USD equivalent) a year to survive. I’m barely alive and in poverty.
So, roughly 7500 dollars from each episode. That’s 10x more than what I make working 20h/week as system analyst for the Brazilian govt - 4500 reais, or roughly 780 dollars per month.
Network engineer working the night shift. I’m at around $165k. Would do the job for 95k if I could do it from home.
Boiler Technician 40 hours a week. Union backed 80k a year.
Biomedical postdoc in the US. Pay is exactly $61,008/yr. Postdoc means a PhD is required, and I work in Chicago, mind you
There’s actually a bit of a fun fact in this… Postdocs have historically been chronically underpaid. The NIH actually worked with a consultant a year or so back, who suggested NIH to gradually increase postdoc pay to $70k/yr (80k in urban areas). NIH didn’t agree to that, but chose to gradually increase salary over several years
NIH has a recommended minimum salary (https://www.niaid.nih.gov/grants-contracts/salary-cap-stipends) based on years of experience. In theory institutions can pay more… In practice, a lot of them just stick to the bare minimum, some places even low-ball. This is why my salary is exactly $61,008. Last year it would have been $56.5k so… At least it is an improvement
How much you wanna bet that consultant was paid more than the postdocs. :(
Oh screw me they are definitely paid way more than the postdocs. I’m fairly certain that for biomedical scientists with PhDs, postdocs are the lowest paid profession with this level of qualification…
Like seriously. I think the number that was thrown around for post-PhD scientists in pharma was like $100-150k/yr to begin with. Granted those jobs have their own shortcomings, but still…
Aviation. Pretty darn good right now, but it took 20 years of near or below poverty wages to get here. One severe economic downturn and we could be right back at shit wages.
I’m sorry for your forthcoming shit wages.
Ugh. I hope not. But nothing to be done except save what we can.
I’d definitely have to make a burner account before answering this honestly.
I am a Routing Analyst for a communication platform. We do SMS, MMS and voice traffic. I make $80k working from home.
What does a routing analyst do? 😶🌫️
I make sure messages and calls get to end user devices by using the most cost effective and dependable routes. It’s a niche job, I work for an international brand and I am the first “Routing” position that I am aware of stateside. I didn’t graduate highschool or go to college, it really just requires some industry specific knowledge and willingness and ability to learn.
I generally don’t stick to any particular job for very long. I used to work a lot of retail when I was younger, but most of my income comes from seasonally working with the elderly. I generally work 12 or so hours a day as well as on call with facilities or I travel to clients homes. I’m not formally educated for medical practice but there is a big demand for people who can lift a 6’4’ 180lbs old man from the bed to the commode to the chair multiple times per day, rotate them in bed at night to avoid sores, and clean and change depends. I’ll do that for about 8 months at a time.
Aside from that, I do some artwork and I bake breads and fix appliances whenever I have time.
One drama or one episode?
One drama.
I’m a Substation Designer. 66k USD a year. I work alongside mechanical and electrical engineers to design the physical side of substations, including elevations, conduit and grounding. I have an Associates and I’ve been doing it for almost three years now. I love it.
Softwaere engineer in Switzerland, I work 36h a week, 5 days a week. I start at 8:30 and usually work till 16:30 which gives me plenty of time for my hobbies. Company is fully owned by its workers which is not bad eithet even though 50℅ belong to the top C-suite managers (which they bough from their bosses when they left the company, so the shares do stay with the employees). I make around 110k CHF a year (which is nice as I only pay like 6k in income tax). Pretty happy.