Dont care if a racist piece of shit uses linux. He’s not wanted.
And, who cares?
It seems you care enough to make your first comment on Lemmy!
What the heck people, would you interact with people like this in person?
Because Arch (BTW)
Aaaaaaand I don’t give a single f
You gave enough fucks to comment on this post though
Good for him.
He’s using hyprland? I’m impressed. I was expecting GNOME/kde/cinnamon/etc.
Bro does live in Japan, seems like a pretty logical path from there to tiling window managers
What does Japan have to do with this?
Stereotypically, white people who move to Japan are “nerds” in some sense. Nerds love Linux. Really nerdy Linux lovers always use a tiling WM.
It’s only a matter of time until bro is wearing a trench coat with a cyberdeck strapped to his arm and pretending he’s in some Neotokyo fantasy. 😔
(P.S. I am a Linux loving nerd)
That feels like a wild overgeneralisation although I’m also a Linux loving nerd who would like to move to Japan
Japan is weird
Isn’t this guy a bit of an asshole?
every popular mainstream YouTuber seems kinda bad tbh
Huge one
still better than Mr.Beast, I guess
If thats the bar……
Aren’t you? I know I am.
The internet is a very weird place as it seems to deal entirely in black and white, judging people by singular events rather than the entirety of their character. One wrong move and you’re cancelled.
Dude is not a Saint, and he never claimed to be. He got famous for playing video games, not giving lectures on moral purity. Enjoy whatever content he puts out, think he’s cool, but do not put content creators on any higher a pedestal than that. At the end of the day, they’re a whole-ass human being just like you.
One wrong move and you’re cancelled.
Nah. It’s never one wrong move it’s entirely about how they respond to that move.
The people who get canceled are dismissive of criticism (eg make up some bullshit about how what they said wasn’t even considered bigoted where they live) and/or double down.
If someone shows true remorse and learning they’ll be forgiven.
Thank you this is such an important thing that often goes unsaid. We are all really busy people, all of us, and we don’t have time to microanalyze the nuance of very person’s situation.
If you’re a public personality and you do/say something awful - how you act when called out is all most people are going to see or care about. If you don’t acknowledge you were wrong then I assume the bad action was deliberate and I move on. Life is too busy to give attention to people that act badly and then refuse to apologize or take responsibility.
I didnt funnel a bunch of kids towards neo Nazis for my job tbf
Admitting you’re an asshole doesn’t make it OK. It just means that you’re an asshole and think it’s something that doesn’t need to be substantively addressed as long you acknowledge it. It’s you going “because I say it out loud it’s not my problem to fix, it’s yours to deal with.” I will never understand why people think that makes it better instead of worse.
This is the dude equivalent of “if you can’t handle me at my worst then you don’t deserve me at my best.”
I said that I’m “a bit of an asshole”, alluding to the fact that we are not perfect and shouldn’t expect that from others.
You’re kind of proving my point of black and white viewpoints, making a bunch of assumptions of my character based on very little information.
I’m not being black and white about being an asshole. I’m saying “I’m an asshole deal with it” is a terrible excuse, which pewdiepie and the like lean on.
I’m not sure about you but I don’t go around saying the N word or paying people in developing nations to hold up incitements towards very real genocides. Felix isn’t a Nazi but he directly contributed to the climate that allowed them to come out of the woodwork and act as they are doing now.
Based on what an ex girlfriend told me after her study abroad in Sweden, the N word (at least back in the early 2010s) just isn’t considered as offensive there. She remembers being at a party where they played some kind of “secret spy” game they’d dubbed “n——r president” and being shocked about it
That card game isn’t called that anymore, but 20 years ago it was the standard name for a well-known card game.
It’s probably not even thought about due to chattel slavery not being a thing in Sweden. There was slavery in some of its colonies, but it was never a part of their mainland society.
Couple that with the racial diversity of Sweden having fewer than 1% black people, there’s so little representation that any offense probably isn’t even being heard.
Sweden having fewer than 1% black people
Sorry, where are you getting your statistics from? The 1800s?
Not really sure how to say it but I think your ex was just a racist who hung out with racists. I know a few Swedish people through a friend who’s gf is from there and they would deffo take issue with it.
She was pretty far from being racist, which is why she was shocked that they called it that. Again she was on a study abroad and went to a party, these weren’t people she like regularly hung out with. Also another commenter confirmed that that was a common name for that game a while back.
Rape isn’t considered crime in some parts of the world. Slavery still exists. So fucking what.
I mean I have said the n word (no hard r) in the last 10 years but I said it to a black persons face it’s not the proudest moment of my life probably peak cringe and it ruined my night. I was also ready to take all the social backlash that comes with it (getting punched in the face or worse.) I don’t hate pewdiepie but there is a reason why edgy humor was usually on late at night on tv and there were still limits to what you could say and do.
The internet kinda blew all that shit out the water and looking back idk if it was a good thing.
To a black persons face? As an insult? Why would you admit this?
No not as an insult. Just I got called it and I just said it back as I said no hard r. I was intoxicated and going through some mental health shit. I’m admitting it to prove a point that it’s very different when you say shit online then when you say it in real life, I would could of been hurt and would of deserved it as well but I talked to the guy I said it to and it turned out ok. I also didn’t monetise me using the word to an audience of prepubescent children.
Why do you keep saying “no hard r” as if that makes it ok?
Because it is different and I’m not saying what I did was ok. I’m using it as an example of problematic behaviour that I exhibited in the real world. I’m not proud of what I did but I also can’t change the past. I could also be a coward and pretend I’m some kind of saint which I’m not. I’m not defending my what I did I’m also not defending people using the n word. As I said it’s something I did and something I knew was wrong the second I did it but as I said earlier I was ready to accept the social consequences of what I said to somebody.
Anyways I used the story of some very bad behaviour I engaged in as an anecdote to show that when people act shitty in real life there are actual consequences mainly the possibility of getting punched. The person I said it to and his friends decided not to beat the shit out of me and I’m greatful for that because I would of deserved it.
I don’t go around using the n word and I have no idea why the fuck I said it but yeah two days of drinking not sleeping will do weird shit to your brain.
Standard .ml user
Yeah I mean I don’t monetise my problematic behaviour though. Or entertain little kids for cash so I guess as a public figure you maybe do have a different social responsibility than just a normal citizen.
Any creative expression is ultimately “art” - anyone can put out whatever they want, the responsibility is on the viewer to accept or reject it.
For example, I really enjoy standup comedy and I’m of the mind that you can joke about anything. If you do not like the jokes a particular comedian does, you don’t have to buy tickets to the show. Simple as that.
The comedy stage is not the same as being a piece of shit on YouTube which then uses decades of research and the collective result of billions of dollars and thousands of people refining an addiction machine to take his message to as many people as inhumanly possible.
Since your a comedy connoisseur surely you also know that there are jokes that comedians will often tell each other but often aren’t done in public. Here is a famous example:
Edgy comedians often perform in night clubs and generally to older audiences who you can expect to take the nuances of edgy jokes. I agree that if you go and watch an edgy comedian in a comedy club and don’t like the performance that’s on you.
Hey I enjoy stand up comedy as well and I’m actually pretty good comic, and for the record I’m not a cancel culture guy, but I can still believe that pewdiepie is a bit of an asshole and that artists do have a certain social responsibility after all life imitates art.
I thought he got famous for anti-semetic jokes he made in his late-20’s.
He made a few dumb jokes, but he was already enormous on YouTube then, IIRC.
Wow, this sounds so weird coming from someone on the internet (in a good way). All I see online is one giant echochamber and a cancelling machine. Thank you for sounding sane. Let the downvotes come my way now ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
You complain about echo chambers as you use the language people use to farm votes/likes/etc. in echo chambers. Your comment could be a great screenshot for explaining it it’s such a great example.
Use it. Why won’t you?
I see what you’re doing and I’m not playing your game 👋
Bye 😘
For those reading: don’t feed the troll.
The fact that you saw that person and this post demonstrates that you aren’t in an echo chamber. Free speech also entitles people to call you an antisocial and inconsiderate twat.
And free speech also entitles me to tell you to go fuck yourself and eat shit. 👍
“You are but what am I” - you
Cool cool. You’re so cool. Now go cry in a corner or something.
I defend him only because he is a brother in hyprland
Nothing wrong with that. Even though I never liked tiling window managers. I don’t even know much about them either.