Admitting you’re an asshole doesn’t make it OK. It just means that you’re an asshole and think it’s something that doesn’t need to be substantively addressed as long you acknowledge it. It’s you going “because I say it out loud it’s not my problem to fix, it’s yours to deal with.” I will never understand why people think that makes it better instead of worse.
This is the dude equivalent of “if you can’t handle me at my worst then you don’t deserve me at my best.”
I’m not being black and white about being an asshole. I’m saying “I’m an asshole deal with it” is a terrible excuse, which pewdiepie and the like lean on.
Admitting you’re an asshole doesn’t make it OK. It just means that you’re an asshole and think it’s something that doesn’t need to be substantively addressed as long you acknowledge it. It’s you going “because I say it out loud it’s not my problem to fix, it’s yours to deal with.” I will never understand why people think that makes it better instead of worse.
This is the dude equivalent of “if you can’t handle me at my worst then you don’t deserve me at my best.”
I said that I’m “a bit of an asshole”, alluding to the fact that we are not perfect and shouldn’t expect that from others.
You’re kind of proving my point of black and white viewpoints, making a bunch of assumptions of my character based on very little information.
I’m not being black and white about being an asshole. I’m saying “I’m an asshole deal with it” is a terrible excuse, which pewdiepie and the like lean on.