Based on what an ex girlfriend told me after her study abroad in Sweden, the N word (at least back in the early 2010s) just isn’t considered as offensive there. She remembers being at a party where they played some kind of “secret spy” game they’d dubbed “n——r president” and being shocked about it
It’s probably not even thought about due to chattel slavery not being a thing in Sweden. There was slavery in some of its colonies, but it was never a part of their mainland society.
Couple that with the racial diversity of Sweden having fewer than 1% black people, there’s so little representation that any offense probably isn’t even being heard.
Not really sure how to say it but I think your ex was just a racist who hung out with racists. I know a few Swedish people through a friend who’s gf is from there and they would deffo take issue with it.
She was pretty far from being racist, which is why she was shocked that they called it that. Again she was on a study abroad and went to a party, these weren’t people she like regularly hung out with. Also another commenter confirmed that that was a common name for that game a while back.
Based on what an ex girlfriend told me after her study abroad in Sweden, the N word (at least back in the early 2010s) just isn’t considered as offensive there. She remembers being at a party where they played some kind of “secret spy” game they’d dubbed “n——r president” and being shocked about it
That card game isn’t called that anymore, but 20 years ago it was the standard name for a well-known card game.
It’s probably not even thought about due to chattel slavery not being a thing in Sweden. There was slavery in some of its colonies, but it was never a part of their mainland society.
Couple that with the racial diversity of Sweden having fewer than 1% black people, there’s so little representation that any offense probably isn’t even being heard.
Sorry, where are you getting your statistics from? The 1800s?
Not really sure how to say it but I think your ex was just a racist who hung out with racists. I know a few Swedish people through a friend who’s gf is from there and they would deffo take issue with it.
She was pretty far from being racist, which is why she was shocked that they called it that. Again she was on a study abroad and went to a party, these weren’t people she like regularly hung out with. Also another commenter confirmed that that was a common name for that game a while back.
Rape isn’t considered crime in some parts of the world. Slavery still exists. So fucking what.