My girlfriends voice. I could listen to her talk for the rest of my life.
It’s the snowmobile sound from Pingu.
The click-click-click of a perfectly healthy bicycle hub when slowing down without pedaling. It’s the metaphor sound I use to the feeling of a team working well together: not going to be silent, but you can soundly sleep on it.
The funny grumble my dog makes when he wants me to pet him, and the majestic song of his people my pug can make. Video:
right now, i can’t think of anything other than the BFB hit in Splitgate.
“Mission complete” sound on Space Cadet Pinball
Basketball net’s swoosh on a perfect shot going through it.
A chirping/trilling cat.
I know it’s way too broad and probably very generic of an answer, but music. Cannot live without it since I am pretty much constantly listening to it if I’m not watching a video.
Is that boss music?
Avalanche goal horn
Star Wars (EP.2): Seismic Bomb
Iron Man repulsor firing
Edit: And the obvious common stuff like rain and so on.
“Womp womp”
The sound of katydids on a summer night in new england. I haven’t heard it like this anywhere else:
Heavy rain on a roof.