I-is that Levi? Aka “Gothamchess” Rozman?
A know a guy who saw rook A4 when I see one.
Michael Jackson likes this
MJ has vitiligo.
sorry to be the one to tell you
He got better? That’s nice to hear, very uplifting.
Lol. I’m leaving it bc that autocorrect is funny.
Eight year olds, dude!
Review brah really let himself go.
The right pic looks like that guy who does food reviews while wearing a suit.
I literally found TheReportOfTheWeek from his short wave radio show.
Who said legacy media is dead …
He looks like an even bigger piece of shit
Kinda looks like the whitest kids you know guy.
Want your post to go viral on social media? Just add a caption that says “and now it’s going viral on social media”.
“It was not going viral on social media”
He looks like Shannon from Home Movies lol
He looks like the bastard offspring of DJ Qualls and Marilyn Manson.
Looks like old Aphex twin.
KotH did that decades ago!
“You be careful Hank! Alabaster may be little but he’ll mess you up.”
“No offense, but he’s from Oklahoma”
That’s Tilda Swinton
Looks like underfed vampire. Edward Dogg
He looks… Familiar