Please state in which country your phrase tends to be used, what the phrase is, and what it should be.
In America, recently came across “back-petal”, instead of back-pedal. Also, still hearing “for all intensive purposes” instead of “for all intents and purposes”.
A whole nother.
Alright (as one word instead of two).
Also USA.
Alright and all right have different meanings to me.
Alright is either a exclamation (“Alright!”) or a synonym for “okay”. (“Everything is going to be alright”)
All right is means all correct. (“The answers were all right”.)
Never thought of the idea of “alright” being an issue. I can see why it makes sense, it’s obviously derived from “all right”, though funnily enough that never occurred to me because I’ve always just thought of it as a word in its own right and never pondered its derivation.
So do you also “all ready” and “all though” and “all ways”? That just seems weird.
No, that’d be silly.
I will die on the alright hill. I have already committed to it, and I have had altogether too much of pedantic prescriptivists /s
But in all seriousness, I use and support “alright” and will never, ever stop using it. But I support your right to be wrong about how language actually works ;)
Meh, we can disagree over beers. I have no qualms with people talking.
Alright, how do you explain this?
They are free to be wrong. I’m free to be pedantic about things that don’t matter to other people.
It’s aight.