As a baby I was born with a pituitary issue which meant my hands and feet were abnormally small. They never grew that large at all. I can run and walk fine and they’re not deformed or anything, just tiny. I might have some weird world record for smallest hands and feet on a fully grown adult!
Lucky bastard, kids shoes are tax free!
I know this cos my wife has got 34 feet too and is delighted every time she finds a bargain
Haha yes the lower price on shoes is certainly a perk!
You guys really deserve that tax break given how expensive it must be to buy all 34 shoes for your wife.
Even at just five bucks a shoe, that’s $170 every time you go shoe shopping. Brutal. OP’s wife must be 4.25 octopuses.
Octopuses wouldn’t wear shoes so the math doesn’t add up.
Now spiders—spiders would wear some stylish kicks you know, not just any $5 shoe.
Fucksake you two, octopii wear wellies