For me, it was in Last of Us, >!when you walk through the door and get caught in the rope trap, then have to shoot the zombies upside-down.!<
I had to go through that entire animation over and over and over. It made me hate the game. I played a little bit more after finally making it through, but my heart wasn’t in it and I just stopped after a while.
Growing up I struggled for so long on LittleBigPlanet’s Negativitron boss fight, most recently though I spent days struggling with Uncharted 4’s final boss fight (though somehow I had an easier time on Crushing difficulty on my second play through) and Halo 2’s Prophet Boss Fight.
Lies of P - nameless puppet. I choose the other ending on my first run, so my first time facing him was in ng+. Not sure if that made it harder, but yeah, that one was rough
Hmm. Not sure. Some bosses that immediately came to mind were O&S in Dark Souls 1 and Hume in Eternal Daughter though. I think I had more trouble with the latter, but it’s been so long that I’m not sure.
Gow Ragnarok. That last Valkyrie.
Artorias… hardest one SO FAR
In DS1? Great boss! Worthy title
The spoiler boss in dead cells.
The boss is not particularly hard but you can only face him after a full run on the max difficulty were you will likely use most of your very limited resources before the bossfight, meaning you can only take a couple hits (at best) before dying.
I barely managed to scrape together a single win with 4 boss cells. No. Way I’m ever gonna get further.
Vermivorous the Invincible in Borderlands 2. First of all getting it to spawn…
I was going to say Badassaurus Rex at the end of the Torgue DLC. Big pain in the ass since I only played solo.
That stupid course in Star Wars Racer where you have to stay on a very narrow ledge. When you fall off you’re relegated to a super long detour and basically have to start over because you have no chance of winning if you fail even once.
Oh yeah I remember that one. Wouldn’t have been an issue if not for the bad steering of pods.
In Chrono Cross, when entering Time Fortress Chronopolis, you immediately encounter the PolisPolice. This isn’t framed by the game as a boss encounter, but it is.
There is a design problem with this boss that you probably wouldn’t see in a more modern RPG. To survive its big attack, you need the White Plate to absorb white-based magic attacks. You get the White Plate by stealing it from the Sky Dragon. If you already fought the Sky Dragon and forgot to steal at the time, you are hosed. The game doesn’t let you go back and redo that, and the PolisPolice encounter is about 2/3rds of the way through the game–very late to be starting over again.
I replayed that encounter 20 times before I finally lucked out on the attack cycle to keep the party alive. Then I encountered the actual hardest boss: a disc scratch that prevented the game from continuing towards the very end.
This asshole made me scream in rage and frustration
Final boss of fury
The striders towards the end of Half Life 2 episode 2.
So this is dumb but there is a Mummy game, as on the movie, I think on PS2. You could play through as either O’Connell (Brendan Fraser) or Imhotep (he was fun but pretty overpowered). I don’t remember there being a difficulty setting but I could be wrong.
I beat it with Imhotep but never could beat it with O’Connell. I want to say the final boss was the Scorpion King. I tried so many times.
The only thing I can figure is I didn’t load up on as much ammo, grenades, equipment, etc. as possible and never went back to try differently.
Could you die as Imhotep? I’m getting Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy vibes from how you explain this.
Maybe? I don’t remember if it’s specifically “death” or just some kind of excuse for a game over.
And sorry, I had to look it up, it’s actually The Mummy Returns for PS2.
Here’s a full playthrough of both.
The shadow enemy in super smash bros brawl, cant beat that mf
Tabuu or Mr. Game and Watch?
The one that mimics you