Today, I saw real snow in my hometown for the first time ever. Florida’s previous record was 3 inches in 1895. Today, we received about 6-7.5 inches of snow. And - I can’t believe it - it’s still there right now!
The implications of this are of course kind of terrifying, but seeing everyone so excited and playing outside has been nice. I’ve watched people introducing their pets to their first snow, making snow angels, playing with makeshift sleds. I’ve heard people cheering and having fun all through my neighborhood.
People are happy to be off work. Even the Waffle Houses are closed. There are no cars on the road. It’s a nice little respite during a particularly horrifying time. I know it’s a symptom of something much worse to come, but it’s beautiful anyway.
Watch out for all the Yankees who’ve moved down and assume they know how to drive in snow because they come from someplace that gets snow all the time. What they don’t realize is in places where it rarely snows we invest very little in snow removal and pretreatment, which can result in a very different experience than what they’re used to!
Luckily, there are barely any cars out right now. Almost everything is closed, even Waffle House, which is kind of a big deal.
They’ll be busy telling everyone “dOeS thiS LoOk likE gLoBal WaRmInG tO yOu?”
“If global warming is real, then why is there snow?”
Polar vortexes go further down as jet stream gets weaker. Polar vortexes move cold from the Arctic to fuck this one asshole in particular. Most of Europe right now is “spring like” 6C+ warmer than usual. There’s a spot in Greenland warmer than Southern GA.
Even just for Northern Hemisphere (Winter peak FYI), all time record hot for first couple of weeks of year.
Sadly I’ve actually heard people say this in person. I’ve been stuck in this ridiculous state my whole life.
The Gulf of America must be super unhappy about the renaming.
Ohh, wanna trade? We have a surplus of fire over here.
Once again the free market solves everything
Feel bad for all the people who are about to have frozen water lines. That’s going to suck.
Fitting with US withdrawal of Paris climate agreement
goddamn you guys have more snow than we do in finland where usually at this time of year we should have a lot!
south finlander talking
nope, north
2 hurricanes and more than 6" of snow?!? We haven’t even got 6" TOTAL for the year yet in northern Iowa.
Haha global warming farce amirite?!
Yup, just another “freak weather event” to throw onto the massive pile of others that they just ignore. Soon they’ll be making a conspiracy of why orange juice has gotten so expensive.
ah I don’t know why you’re all claiming it’s changing, it was this hot once in 1973!!!
Yeah grandpa except that one freak thing you experienced is now the normal Jesus Christ how ignorant are you
OP if you are concerned about frozen water lines a couple of tricks are to leave cabinet doors open under sinks or leave faucets cracked open so water trickles out slowly. If you have access panels to crawl spaces that contain water lines leave those open too.
Damn, imagine hell freezing over and a bunch of them still don’t get the message
More snow than I’ve seen all winter in western Canada.
same here in northern cal. not even an inch this winter. just dry sunny weather.
To anyone outside of the US south shit has to be really fucked up for Waffle House to close for any reason. The location has to effectively be inaccessible
7" in the Pensacola metro. Lost power for 6 hours last night, had to use candles to warm our bedroom.
Hiked to the creek during the storm. Lucky my dumbass didn’t fall in. This much accumulated in the time it took me to take a piss and snap a couple of pics. It poured like that for 7 HOURS.
My Filipino wife was doing back flips, never seen snow before.
So that’s where our snow went this year! Darn!
Bruh why does florida have more snow than sweden 💀
Chat are we cooked?