Others have given you a lot of info here on what it is your brother is referring to.
But what this is reflecting in your brother is that he has fallen into a pipeline of watching these videos or hanging out with people that watch these videos and had some insecurities that he’s dealing with that is making these ideas seem like the answer. It would be a great idea to be supportive of him in whatever other hobbies/activities he has outside of watching those videos and spending time with him. Talk with him about anything other than the content of those videos so that those thoughts aren’t even entering his mind. Introduce him to your friends that are also supportive in something other than those videos (you don’t mention your ages, so it’s unclear if you know the same people). Having supportive people around his activities and hobbies will help him lose some of those insecurities that made him gravitate to those videos.If that fails, what I’ve seen others say works is if says he’s an alpha male say back “I’m not into that furry stuff, but that’s really cool your so open with your sexuality like that, and accepting of others’ sexualities like recognizing the beta males”
If that fails, what I’ve seen others say works is if says he’s an alpha male say back “I’m not into that furry stuff, but that’s really cool your so open with your sexuality like that, and accepting of others’ sexualities like recognizing the beta males”
I doubt that actually works to get people off that mindset. It’s just a funny twitter joke people have latched onto. Other than that 100% agreed. If he’s fallen into this manosphere shit things probably aren’t going well for him socially and he probably needs help to get out of it. When I was young I certainly did and was fortunate enough to get into a much better environment after I got out of high school that corrected my mindset (for the most part, there’s always a need for self-reflection). While deserved, ridiculing him for these beliefs won’t get anywhere other than to make him feel more isolated.
People are generally stupid, even more so when they’re young. Younger people are getting brainwashed by low-IQ online influencers into believing this Alpha/Beta shit.
It’s that simple.
If you want to help him, try to break his addiction to those influencers.
Did you seriously just do the same exact thing but with high vs low-iq? Was this irony intentional?
No. But I can see how someone obsessed with being obtuse as a hobby could benefit from implying that I was doing so.
Likes or death, amirite?
It’s extra funny cause iq is just as much bullshit as alpha.
every metric for intelligence is bullshit to some degree or another. Yet, some people are actually dumber than others. IQ is a concise term that gets the point across, for the sake of communication, what more do you want?
IQ is a useful test when applied correctly. Using it on individual is rarely productive, but comparing population groups with similar cultural values is very useful. Two rural towns with a 10 point difference? Maybe the chemical plant down the road is doing something. Boomers being a few points lower then Millennials? Leaded gas.
In 1958 a researcher studied Wolves. He observed that some get all the female and food. He named those Alpha, and the others Beta.
Some people started to postulate that human work the same: There must be Alpha male and Beta male. There are 2 problem with that:
1- Obviously Human are not wolves
2- the study was on wolf in captivity. In nature it was later observed that there are no Alpha nor Beta: every wolf get same share of the resources
But the narrative that human are like wolf , still appeal to some male trying to justify their toxic behavior like it was some rule of nature. Forgetting, that if their is one thing that human do compared to other animal, is to control, manage and overcome every “rule” of nature. Else we wont be able to even use fire.
Nitpicking, but not every rule of nature. I still need to pee :(
Hopefully you dont do it on the spot when the need arise ;)
He’s just an alpha marking his territory.
The underline issue is that human evolve to be part of social norms. Use to be a tribe, a country, a sport club. But new generation can be have more options. Associating with alpha male or whatever means he belong to a group who might like his meme or comments.
It could also be due to lack of a man figure they can associate with. So watching documentaries of strong males might help shed light on what the role could look like.
What you want is to balance his only identity or group with other (groups). For example, joining a gym, fishing, be part of musical band …. Whatever he is also into, just to get him out of that only identity he is associating with.
For me I would try to come from telling him being alpha means you can hunt or camp or survive in the wild, then lead to cooking classes or wood working. Something that mentally and physically taxing. I also would watch gordon Ramsay shows and Anthony Bourdain just to crash that image of one way to be an alpha male. You can cook and be an alpha male as the same time type thing.
Yeah he needs Ron Swanson
Anyone who has to vocalize that they’re an alpha, isn’t. Your brother is a loser.
If you have to say you’re in charge, you’re not
That’s called autism.
nope, autists don’t need that flack
Re-educate him & show that Alphas don’t live that long
NGL I called myself a bad dude as a teen. Said it to the wrong person and got ego-checked real hard in the face.
Let him know he’s gonna get Alpha’d one day.
Sounds like the kids problem will solve itself someday
That or he won’t, and will go on to create yet another one of those podcasts. D:
That’s just normal part of growing as an man… Well at least through 2000s.
That’s… normal?
The streets weren’t kind, is this news?
Anyone who calls themselves an “alpha” anything is a small dicked nobody.
Your brother currently is a little loser who listens to the sad little men like Andrew Tate who talk about aloha and beta and have no fucking idea what they’re talking about. He can be alright, he just needs to get out and touch grass, interact with real people, interact normally with girls… He’ll be fine.
Get him off YouTube and social media
This is the right answer.
Lil bitch got hopped on manophere podcasts… Likely due to rejection or and poor social skills.
How old is your brother?
He’s a beta cuck. Real alphas don’t have to go around proclaiming their alpha status and receiving praise and validation from betas and other “alphas”.
He’s watching toxic YouTubers like Joe Rogan and Andrew Tate.
He wants girls to think he is cool but has received bad advice