The entire Let’s Play Sonic series by Cybershell. Dudes a swearing genius.
This one always make me crack up:
Premise: two stoned college kids poke fun at Alt-J
You have to trust me that you need to watch all 15 minutes of this without skipping ahead. Grab a friend, close your other tabs, and enjoy.
I trusted you
Holy shit
That’s amazing
I trusted you. What a waste of time.
The death star canteen skit with Lego stop motion animation which I think captures the emotions and actions well.
I will always upvote Eddie Izzard.
Everything on the channel “How to basic” is hilarious…
For me its lost the fun when I realized what an insane amount of food is wasted for these videos. My younger self however would devinetively agree with you.
Easy, its a 3s video that always makes me smile :
Its so simple, so stupid.
Duck Army:
It’s not that funny, but one that always makes me smile is the do classic
Cat I’m a kitty cat And I meow meow meow and I meow meow meow
Normal men:
Fuck you, Tony.