I’d like to see just how horrible someone can make a site. Facebook is a good contender.
With Facebook and x.com you pretty much understand the risks going in.
But with stack overflow there’s so much naivete required to create an account and begin asking questions. The good stuff is laid out right in front of you: people asking similar questions and getting thoughtful responses to deeply technical questions. It feels rewarding to get your first answer approved.
But then after months of “trying” you hit the wall. A sudden deluge of hostility and toxicity. Bipolar moderation staff suddenly deciding your content has no value and dumping you on a curb at night with a shitty smug comment, to the applause of bloodthirsty hoards of bootlicking trolls.
Nothing could have prepared you for this. It’s hell. All of your work for nothing, any chance of justice or restitution gone. Every promise broken.
It’s insidiously evil and I hope every member of their staff (unpaid moderators included) goes bankrupt and loses their home to foreclosure.
Yeah, I’m really happy for GPT for this alone. It minimised my exposure to SO.
I only know of this site because a friend submitted one he called “The Tempest”
Fragile Mods. Shitty trolls. Dishonest engagements. Little to no good discussion. Opinions are seen as attacks. Power-tripping users and mods alike. Karma whores.
And now, more bots than ever!
Just less users, making the bots more visible. You’ve had repost bots all through, we just assumed it was actual people trying to score cheap karma.
Try using Instagram without an account and no app, basically impossible.
The only way I’ve worked out how to even save Instagram images locally is using the page information (ctrl+i) Media tab in Firefox and sort through it to find it there. Terrible for an image hosting website.
It’s not an image hosting site, it’s a social media site whose goal is to keep you coming back for more. The easier it is for you to save their content locally, the less likely you are to spend as much time on their site.
And the fact that people flock there despite that is a way I feel more and more distant from humanity…
If you’re running Windows, though, you can use the Snipping Tool to grab the part of the screen you want to save, which may or may not have an image in it.
I prefer the PrintScr key on my keyboard, personally.
Doesn’t that call the same snipping tool? Anyway, saving from source may preserve quality a bit better
I don’t think so. I’ve been using PrintScr longer than the snipping tool has existed.
I’m not sure what “saving from source” would be for a screenshot. What do you mean there?
It’s doable if you open everything in new tabs. Still not a good experience though.
Good to know in a pinch! Luckily I never had to spend time there.
I think the time I was like 7 and was looking at hamster photos on Google to print and cut out. Scrolling along I couldn’t find any that looked exactly like my hamster named Cinnamon after a black streak along his back.
Getting to the 3rd or 4th “load more” buttons on Google and it started showing me stuff that wasn’t hamsters I got desperate. I saw there were a few images that had text along the top and bottom, “for more cute hamster photos go to xhamster.com”.So naturally, I went there.
Turns out xhamster.com was not a site where hamsters share selfies and is, instead, pornography.
Anything owned by billionaires.
Once, you sign in, good luck finding anything you need.
In terms of social, political, and geopolitical harm, no platform beats Facebook. At least in X there are community notes. In Facebook, none of that.
Nextdoor has gotta be in the top 10.
It is amazing how toxic people on that site are. Especially when you consider it’s not anonymous and the people are literally in your neighborhood
It’s a shitshow. LinkedIn, too.
fcc.gov. Those goddamn “Sign into the Federal Fucked Up Document System with your FFUDS PIN now” things that just don’t actually work. The layers of garbage between you and renewing an amateur radio certificate is truly Idiocratic.
This sounds very similar to the Kentucky online portal for teacher certification. It looks like it was made in 1996, and it functions slightly less well than it looks like it should.
I just did my GMRS a few months ago. That site is a dumpster fire.
Time Cube (now archived). I feel bit bad saying it, but omg the layout. It was bad even by 90s standards.
Edit: the creator died in 2015.
Thanks for the flashback
Have some brain bleach: a hamster dance clone.
You are a good person. Thank you.
Publisher’s Clearing House.
So this company has ads on local free tv stations in the US about how you could win $5000 a week for life, but when you go to the website it’s like 97% ads and maybe 2% contests, and some contests are straight up unenterable if you have an adblocker. Then before you can officially enter, you have to go through 3 pages of ‘as seen on tv’ crap that it tries to sell you before you can finish entering. Also it lags like a motherfucker with or without an adblocker, cause there’s so many ads taking up that much bandwith, cause heaven forbid a webpage ad be a static image. And of course you have to have an account, so your spam folder and paper mailbox fill up with the worst things possible.
Comcast. I dare you to try to cancel or change your cable and internet package.
I finally got my appleTV subscription cancelled, and that took three fucking tries. No, I don’t have an iPhone or an appleTV unit, so I’m now free.
Usually webapps.
Ugh, still to this day, persistant file storage is either “the cloud” or file APIs that altho secure, don’t allow for saving overtop of existing files. really annoying.