More like 1850s France
If this meme ages well it will represent one of the most ironic things that’s ever happened from a historical and historiographical standpoint point
Their own fault for trying to create le epic tech feudalism/monarchy - you get a response that fits the conditions.
Inshallah, we can make it 1780s France.
Ah a good meme about France , the end of the white flag era beginning of the guillotine meme era , thx you so much 🫡🥹
No decapitations, but the result is the same and done remotely.
Delay. Deny. Defend. Decapitate
“Delay. Deny. Dispose.” Is what goes through my mind every time I see those words, though I quite like yours, and it also made me think of “Delay. Deny. Defenestrate.” which would work well for our Russian comrades (those opposing their government, its institutions, and the oligarchs in charge).
It would be difficult to write defenestrate on that bullet.
Have you tried higher caliber? Or arrows.
Fuck that, javelins it is.
Difficult for even an armored car to protect against a Javelin (the anti-tank missile system). Not even bullet resistant vehicles can save them. Sounds suitable.
Be careful engraving that! Might want to just use a permanent marker.
It’s for those really long cartridges. Like a 50BMG.
Defenéstrate is what oligarchs accidentally do in Russia I think
No decapitations yet.
Not versed in (french) history enough to get this but they’re still en route to make the US a capitalist-fascist state, no? How is that different from Germany 1930?
Oohh, is this about the “healthcare” CEO? Musk/Trump don’t care, do they?
Musk was apparently seen in public a lot with one of the kids he hasn’t scared off yet after that CEO got killed. Like a teeny tiny human shield.
French Revolution
The rich executed the monarchy and then anyone who disagreed with them