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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Google s is the largest, but not the only one. Amazon, Samsung and some OEMs have their own app stores too.

    There are alson sites that archive and distribute apks, like Apkmirror.

    I have a tablet logged to nothing (as in no account, not the OEM) and all my apps come from fdroid, obtanium or apkmirror.

    It started as an experiment, and honestly it’s (for me) not a big hurdle, but an app store would make things easier, that’s for sure.

  • I didn’t downvote it, but I really didn’t like the video. It goes like “the things that are problems in Linux” and then starts talking about an extremely customized system, from DE to kernel, to audio…

    I don’t think he gets, in general at least, to explain why those are needed, just how complex it all is. It would have been more interesting to say “this are the problems with an out of the box distro, and the hurdles it took me go fix each one”.

    Mind you, this doesn’t mean I think a fresh install of Ubuntu can perfectly work for him. But knowing what didn’t work and why might be more helpful for people considering the same