I think I know the answer: I’m a failed adult, maybe if was still a teen I could date or get laid, since you don’t need anything to impress or really attract the other sex… As an adult without money, social life and social skills that is unobtainable.
Edit: this is NOT an “asking for advice” post, just answer the question, don’t try to analyse me like a damn specimen.
First off, teens absolutely do need to impress and attract the other sex.
Have you seen anyone about depression?
Is not the same and you know it.
I do know it. Anyone that was ever been turned down in highschool knows it. Certainly anyone that has turned someone down knows it too.
Getting laid isn’t the all important star in the sky the movies make you think it is. You might be putting more importance on it than you should.
Being self loathing is a huge turn off for relationships. Work on your depression, walk with your back straight and chin up, eyes open.
It is when NEVER happened in your life and you’re alone like a dog, my reality isn’t self loathing you don’t know me. I walk with the eyes open enough
That’s why I’m telling you it’s not that important. So you don’t need to feel like it is important when it isn’t.
Im glad you keep your eyes open. That’s a good thing.
It is
I disagree here. The actual mechanical thing is not important but just feeling like someone wants to do that with you means feeling normal.
If nobody wants, you will feel awful. Your entire value of being worth anything rests on this.
I don’t know if I can explain it better.
I had zero interest in getting laid as a teenager as well, but my lack of interest was because I had other priorities. If you were in a similar place in your teens, then I don’t think there’s anything to regret. It isn’t fair to judge yourself at one point in life from another - in each moment we only have so much information available and, ideally, we make decisions with that we consider good with that information.
My teenage was as miserable as well