Puss out.
Horsey to block
I believe, knocking all the figures off the board is the only legal move…
Piss on board, play with chess piece then murder it brutally.
Vomit right on the board.
C3, Be7, good chances your opponent will just fold to it here.
You’re playing the french
You played 3 moves while playing as black when white played 2 moves. Your cat needs to call an arbiter for illegal play.
White pawns could have moved forward by one space at a time instead of two spaces in one turn. Perfectly legal.
That’s the only way to be certain you won’t be jumped end passant.
Thanks @[email protected] for the photo
Knock a few pieces over and go find a warm spot to have a nap
Ah, the Bast Conclusion.
Meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow, meow meow.
laser pointer on top of black king in one for checkmate.
Check your privilege.
Cat to F5
Bite your opponent’s ankle to win by default
I’m white too.