Not that anyone cares, but I give up on lemmy

Everything I post, even if factually correct, is downvoted within seconds without explanation

Every thread is a circlejerk of the same 3 topics, I learn nothing on lemmy

I’ve been sending people here everywhere else I go on the internet but I regret it now, every time I log in here it just makes me feel like shit

I really believed lemmy could grow to be an alternative to reddit but it’s 100% not happening and this place is going to die

    9 months ago

    Maybe you are gone already so won’t see this.

    But I actually agree with your central point that the politics and tech communities on Lemmy are full of strife and hostility that doesn’t need to be there. Actually most of the rest of it seems fine, but if you care about politics or tech, the quantity of dickheads get hard to ignore.

    My strategy has been to pretty aggressively cull some communities out of my subscriptions, and then make a little hobby out of attempting to disagree with some of the dickheads good naturedly in places I still subscribe to. Be the change you want to see in the world and etc. I don’t always succeed.

    I have to say, skimming over your user, that it looks to me like most of the time when you get downvotes, it’s not because of anything opinion based, but because you’re being hostile and dismissive of the other person’s point of view – sometimes like instantly right out of the gate, like “oh great I’m sure this thread is going to be FULL of people saying wrong opinion X which is obviously wrong”… which is exactly what you’re saying you’re sick of. IDK, man, you could be right or wrong. But being hostile about it and actively trying to pick fights with the other viewpoint even before anyone has shown up to express it seems like it’s not exactly gonna draw people gathering around you throwing roses and warmly embracing you if that’s what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for lots of fighting then sure but it sounds like that is not what you are after.

    Like I say I gave up on certain communities because of what you’re saying. I won’t say at all that your assessment is wrong. But also I do think there’s a certain degree to which (again just saying what I’ve seen looking back a little) you’ve created exactly the strife as well on your side.